新聞電子書 | 邊城·夾縫·異鄉人.pdf
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上个月(Dec 2019)端传媒的新闻电子书出了一本新书——《边城·夹缝·异乡人》,讲述漂流于中港之间的人们在这个边界动荡消失中的心路历程。端传媒的新闻电子书并不是单独撰写的,而是将以往发布过的新闻文章汇编在一起。因此我也没有必要单独购买(早已订阅),一般作馈赠之用,但这样只能发给一人独享。于是找来这几篇文章,自己排版了一下,发在这里。
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系统综述(systematic review)是文献综述的一种,早年起源医学、心理学,后来发展至教育学、社会学、经济学等各学科领域。简单地说,传统的文献综述从律师的心态出发,而系统综述则是站在法官的角度,以求全面和减少偏见。这篇文章描述了量化的后设分析(meta-analyses),和质性的综合集成(meta-syntheses)与叙述性综述(narrative reviews),是为一个简明的资源指南。因为本文入列 Annual Reviews 的 2019 年最多下载文章 的前十,所以至 2 月末都可以免费获取。
Siddaway, A. P., Wood, A. M., & Hedges, L. V. (2019). How to do a systematic review: a best practice guide for conducting and reporting narrative reviews, meta-analyses, and meta-syntheses. Annual review of psychology, 70, 747-770.
Siddaway, A. P., Wood, A. M., & Hedges, L. V. (2019). How to do a systematic review: a best practice guide for conducting and reporting narrative reviews, meta-analyses, and meta-syntheses. Annual review of psychology, 70, 747-770.
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武汉肺炎使人们再度关注起公共卫生事件。但事实上,现代全球共同体的风险不止于此,非传染病(noncommunicable diseases,NCDs)对中低收入水平国家影响亦不容忽视,而全球环境变化(global environmental changes,GECs)同非传染病的风险因素息息相关。此文 讨论了环境健康,生物多样性,城市化,农业,污染等 GEC 的五个面向,并强调该问题的复杂性与系统性了解的必要。
Frumkin, H., & Haines, A. (2019). Global environmental change and noncommunicable disease risks. Annual review of public health, 40, 261-282.
Frumkin, H., & Haines, A. (2019). Global environmental change and noncommunicable disease risks. Annual review of public health, 40, 261-282.
这段时间不少医学相关专业人士制作了许多冠状病毒、口罩等方面的科普视频,在末尾也都会依照规范加上参考文献,也多遵循 AMA Style,也看到有用 MLA 的。不过似乎大家都不太在意两个小细节——斜体(italic)和句号(period )。期刊或著作等应以斜体表示,句号区隔不同元素也不可或缺。可能是我有点强迫症,但既然要显得自己规范,就请规范到底。
2019 新型冠状病毒时间线
- Timeline of the 2019–20 Wuhan coronavirus outbreak
- Coronavirus latest: WHO declares global emergency
Think Global Health
- UPDATED: Timeline of the Coronavirus
New York Times
- Wuhan Coronavirus Latest Update
The Guardian
- Coronavirus timeline
- Coronavirus live updates
Al Jazeera
- Timeline: How China's new coronavirus spread
- A Timeline of How the Wuhan Coronavirus Has Spread—And How the World Has Reacted
CBC (Canada's Public Broadcaster)
- Timeline: How the new coronavirus arose and spread
ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
- From Wuhan to Australia: A timeline of key events in the spread of China's deadly coronavirus
- Timeline: Coronavirus around the world
- Timeline of the 2019–20 Wuhan coronavirus outbreak
- Coronavirus latest: WHO declares global emergency
Think Global Health
- UPDATED: Timeline of the Coronavirus
New York Times
- Wuhan Coronavirus Latest Update
The Guardian
- Coronavirus timeline
- Coronavirus live updates
Al Jazeera
- Timeline: How China's new coronavirus spread
- A Timeline of How the Wuhan Coronavirus Has Spread—And How the World Has Reacted
CBC (Canada's Public Broadcaster)
- Timeline: How the new coronavirus arose and spread
ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
- From Wuhan to Australia: A timeline of key events in the spread of China's deadly coronavirus
- Timeline: Coronavirus around the world
因为知道在中国的社交平台上无法发布而选择在 Matters 和其他渠道分发的一篇中学生主导的哲学社团所写的长文——对疫情的结构性反思:谣言、官僚与国家主义
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