The Sociologist
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On ne parle tant de mémoire que parce qu'il n'y en a plus.

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频道标识和视觉识别借鉴了《经济学人》(The Economist),所以姑且也可称此频道为「社会学人」。巧在著名的英国社会学家斯宾塞(Herbert Spenser)在撰写《社会静力学》(Social Statics)期间,也担任《经济学人》的副主编,虽然《经济学人》文章质量早就大不如前了……

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《羣學肄言》是严复翻译斯宾塞 1873 年的 The Study of Sociology 的著作,用词典雅晦涩,难以理解。作为第一批引介社会学的著作,其影响力很大,浙江大学社会学系的定期学术活动就名为「群学肄言堂」。而我也不例外。「肄言何?發專科之旨趣,究功用之所施,而示之以所以治之方也。」我不知道我能学到多少,边走边说的话姑且也算作是「呓语」。取这个谐音,才有「群学呓言」。
《全球对话》(Global Dialogue 是国际社会学协会(International Sociology Association, ISA)的数字杂志,自 2010 年起,以包含简体中文和繁体中文在内的 17 种语言每年发布三期。主要内容为社会学相关的辩论与采访,提供了世界不同地区的观点、愿景、叙述之间交流与冲突的空间。然而,自去年年末以来,中文版即停止了更新。今年年初我曾邮件询问此事,ISA 给出的回复是「We are sorry for this delay and are working to provide the Chinese translation as soon as possible!」半年过去了,今年第一期 GD9.1 已经发布,目前已经有过半语言版本发布,中文版居然还停留在去年的 GD8.3!难道中国社会学界已经和世界脱节了?#期刊 #呓言
中国社会科学院社会学研究所主办的《社会学研究》期刊,2019年第三期目录。有兴趣可至网站下载阅读 #期刊
其实我最喜欢的中文社会学期刊是北京大学主办的《社會理論學報》(Journal of Social Theory),自 1998 年起出版,每年两期,至今已经出到第二十一期了。现已全部数字化,可于北京大学社会学系官网下载(然而网站已经宕了很久)。与中国国内期刊由意识形态主导不同,《社會理論學報》的文章多为台湾、香港学者所作。图中背景为二十余期所涉及的专题名。#期刊

从社会学角度看,节日增加了连结社会个体的机会,稳固了社会网络,并带来一系列政治上经济上的影响。国际民主妇女联合会(Women's International Democratic Federation, WIDF)于 1945 年在法国巴黎成立,但随后被法国政府禁止,于是迁至东柏林,随后主要由东德和苏联赞助,受其政治影响。1950 年以来,所有社会主义阵营国家都将 6 月 1 日确定为儿童节,中国也不例外。虽然苏联已经倒台,社会主义信仰崩塌,这一节日依然被各国延续下来。确实,设立这样一个节日可以唤起人们对儿童权益的关注,也能培养儿童对自身的关切。

6 月 1 日至 6 月 9 日,北京 UCCA 尤伦斯当代中心举办《Here is Where We Meet: judge a Book by its Cover——2019 企鹅兰登书籍封面设计展》。除了一饱 Gills Sans 眼福之外,被企鹅帆布包吸引的我,还是硬着头皮在品类稀少的售卖区中挑选了三本原版书。

其中一本即为卡尔 · 马克思的《政治经济学批判大纲》(Grundrissez: Foundations of the Critique of Political Economy)。作为 #马克思 在 1857–1858 年所作的草稿,《大纲》直到 1939 年才出版,其影响力远不如他的其他著作。Apple Books 和 Kindle 的电子书售价都是 £2.99。#著作 #学者 #呓言
2019 年 6 月 4 日,失望,悲悯,渺茫……怀着复杂的心情,我离开了北京。




「这几天不行,没有正式邀请函,外人一律不准入内,你 7 号以后再来吧。」









法国历史学家 Pierre Nora 所著的 Les Lieux de Mémoire,提出了成为社群的象征性遗产的一种经由人类或时间转变的物质或非物质的实体,「lieu de memoire」,我们回溯过去,赋予意义,创造联系,再反作用于巩固社群凝聚。举个大家都能立刻想起来的例子,高中历史书在述及法国大革命的那一课,展现在我们眼前的第一幅图片即被攻陷的巴士底狱的油画。多年后,再看到这张画,人们依然能联想起一连串的历史事件,拼凑出法国大革命的图景。

而对于六四事件来说,最出名的一幅「画」莫过于挡住坦克的人。BBC 在对北京街头采访时,大多数人表示没有见过。但他们的回复支支吾吾,明显是知道发生了什么,视频最后的老大爷还指出,「这是什么时候的照片?你们能拿到这儿来?」

无论被称作「Tank Man(坦克人)」、「Unknown Protester(无名的抗议者)」,还是「螳臂挡车的歹徒」,这些 invented tradition,都是权力话语的产物。

「如果话语是一个历史性的存在,那么在各种不同的历史性话语(savoir)的背后所隐藏的、我们希望通过社会学之『还原』而获取的,使得在历史沿革之中,某些话语消失,而某些可以一直存在到今天的条件到底是什么,亦即使用话语的、作为主体的人何以在日常生活中,作出他们的选择?对于现象(比如人的行动),只要它是被规范的和存续的,我们可以对它提出这样的问题。」这是北京大学社会学教授杨善华所著的《亲历现代中国:北京民众的生活智慧与情感体验》中,受 Michel Foucault 启示的方法论。这本书的访谈对象,都是经历过文革的普通民众。

我还记得第一次翻开这本书,第一篇《烧锅炉的老北大》,读着读着,不禁落泪。北大法律系出生的韩大爷,因为加入过国民党,当过学生会主席,在解放后去登记了自己的身份,埋下祸根。1951 年 3 月 7 号晚上,他被逮捕,「首恶必办,协从不问,反戈一击有功」,无从上诉的军事法庭判了他 15 年有期徒刑。1964 年「释放」后,被分配到黑龙江省甘南县音河农场「就业」。「文革」爆发后,他又被分到黑龙江省龙江县五村四队插队,当了 15 年农民,每年工资 4 毛钱。改革开放后,在「邓小平主席的宽大指示下」,韩大爷回到北京,在 31 中找到了烧锅炉的工作。



在今天的政治与法制环境下,顾及人身安全和正常生活,我只能在 Telegram 这个「法外之地」讨论这一问题。我钦佩「天安门母亲」的勇敢与坚毅,但我也不能帮她们发声。我想,我们能做到的,且至少应该做到的是,不要遗忘,讲述下去,延续这一「被创造的传统」。


#呓言 #学者 #著作
First of all, I want to apologize. I didn't prepare my speech properly. It's been a very busy week.

Okay, the title of my speech is 'Why do I want to turn to Sociology?' So, it's a discipline topic. In my speech, I'm going to ask myself a few questions, as well to you. Maybe I can answer these questions, maybe I can't.

'Turn' means I'm not studying sociology right now. Some of you may know that I'm studying for a Bachelor of Arts in History, it's my third year. History is the discipline I am studying, and I am writing a paper on the history of Sino-American diplomacy these days.

If you ask me what 'history' is, it's a very difficult question to answer. I think, for all disciplines, it's an elementary but also an ultimate question. Researchers will ask themselves over and over again what they are devoting on throughout their academic careers.

I remember one class in first grade, the professor asked us that question, what is history to us. Unfortunately, I was called to answer.

Before that, our Ancient History professor lent me a book about the ancient Greek language. So, I said, the word 'history' comes from the Greek 'ἱστορία' (/í.aː/), meaning inquiry or knowledge acquired by investigation. History is both a process and an outcome.

The outcome is easy to understand, namely what happened in the past. That's what many people think of history.

But it led to a lot of misunderstanding and confusion. I was once asked a question by a Microsoft software engineer. His question is, how do Byzantine emperors call the Holy Roman Emperors.

He got me, I really didn't know the answer to that question. But I do know how to find and verify the answer to this question.

I'm sure Laurence has been in this situation before, your friends or family might think you can help them fix the computer because of your computer science major.

Back to 'history', we know that the human brain is limited, memory size is limited, therefore, 'history' can not and should not be done to remember all the things happened in the past. History should be building scientific research methodology and using it. In academia, 'history' refers not only to the past, but it also refers to the recording of the past, we call it historiography. More often than not, 'history' refers to the study of this process.

So, I have these understandings of history, why to give up the study of it, and turn to sociology?

Before answering is, I may have to face another ultimate question, what is sociology? Just as I explained what history is in class, I'd like to try to explain it from an etymology perspective again.

More than 200 years ago, the French philosopher Auguste Comte founded the word sociology. It first appeared in his book Cours de Philosophie Positive, published by 1839. This new word with a Latin prefix and a Greek suffix, socius and logos, which mean an associate and study. Literally, it's the study of how and why people connect together.

Today, sociology is the study of society, human social interaction and the rules and processes that bind and separate people not only as individuals but as members of associations, groups and institutions.

Research methods are also very diverse, including ethnography, in-depth interviews, archival work to advanced statistical modelling, etc.

Finally, I’d like to ask you a simple question, which word is similar to history? Yesterday or today?

Yes, it's 'yesterday'.

But what about sociology? I think it's 'today'. We study the theories and methods of previous scholars in order to better investigate the present society, understand it and find ways to solve social problems.

I prefer today to yesterday. I hope the future will be better, where everyone can live more convenient, comfortable, free and with dignity.

That's all I have to say. Thank you.