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#MathHistory #HistoryMath #Euler #Thiebault

"Euler was a non-confrontational and deeply religious person. He was kind and could get on well with anyone. He worked under any circumstances and in any environment: “A baby on his lap, a cat on his back — that’s how he wrote his immortal works,” as one of his contemporaries said."

Usually this phrase is attributed to Dieudonné Thiébault, but we were unable to identify the source. However we found similar phrasing in Camille Paganel's "Histoire de Frédéric le Grand", 1847, volume 1, page 448, ``un chat sur l'épaule et ses enfant sur les genoux, rédigeait des mémoires admirés du monde savant''.

How to find a person who can trace back the origin of this phrase?
#MathHistory #HistoryMath #Sobolev

«Что главное должен воспитывать в себе ученый? Нужно избавиться от излишнего честолюбия. Не следует думать, что счастливым может быть только гений. Нужно приучиться ценить даже маленькое достижение, радоваться ему и никогда не переоценивать себя. Нужно выработать в себе трудолюбие. Нужно понять и воспитать в себе радость познания, которая почти то же, что и радость жизни. Счастье в том, чтобы дело твоей жизни было нужно людям».


“What is the most important thing a scientist should cultivate in himself? One should get rid of excessive ambition. One should not think that only a genius can be happy. One must learn to appreciate even a small achievement, to rejoice in it, and never overestimate oneself. One has to cultivate a love for work. One has to understand and cultivate the joy of learning, which is almost the same as the joy of life. Happiness is when your life’s work is needed.”