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Companies overestimate their security

There are two types of companies: Those who know they've been hacked and those who don't. The actual security situation is even worse than is generally known and many attacks go undetected.

💡 Mandiant Security Effectiveness Report 2020 - Deep Dive into Cyber Reality


#FireEye #cyber #security #report #pdf
New Zealand stock exchange hit by cyber attack for second day

Trading halted again, one day after overseas DDoS bombardment that forced stock market to shut down

New Zealand’s stock market has been interrupted by an apparent overseas cyber attack for the second day running.

The Wellington-based NZX exchange went offline at 11.24am on Wednesday and although some connectivity was restored for investors, some trading was halted.

The NZX said it had experienced “network connectivity issues” and that the NZX main board, NZX debt market and Fonterra shareholders market were placed on halt.

However it then announced that those areas would resume trading with the rest of the market at 3pm on Wednesday.

#NewZealand #NZ #Stock #Exchange #cyber #attack #DDOS
Cyber security 101: Protect your privacy from hackers, spies, and the government

Simple steps can make the difference between losing your online accounts or maintaining what is now a precious commodity: Your privacy.

"I have nothing to hide" was once the standard response to the occasional surveillance experience by way of cameras, border checks, or casual questioning by law enforcement.

Privacy used to be considered generally balanced in many countries -- at least, in the West -- with a few changes to rules and regulations here and there often made only in the name of the common good.

Things have changed, and not for the better.

China's Great Firewall, the UK's Snooper's Charter, the US' mass surveillance and bulk data collection -- compliments of the National Security Agency (NSA) and Edward Snowden's whistleblowing -- Russia's insidious election meddling, and countless censorship and communication blackout schemes across the Middle East are all contributing to a global surveillance state in which privacy is a luxury of the few and not a right of the many.

As surveillance becomes a common element of our daily lives, privacy is in danger of no longer being considered an intrinsic right.

#cyber #security #privacy
Cyber security alert issued following rising attacks on UK academia

The NCSC has issued an alert to the academic sector following a spate of online attacks against UK schools, colleges and universities.

The National Cyber Security Centre, a part of GCHQ, is supporting establishments to keep criminals out of their networks after a spike in ransomware attacks.

The rise in attacks was recorded in August as cyber criminals turn their attention to a sector focused on the return of students.

Cyber security experts have today (Thursday) stepped up support for UK schools, colleges, and universities following a spate of online attacks with the potential to de-rail their preparations for the new term.

The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) issued an alert to the sector containing a number of steps they can take to keep cyber criminals out of their networks, following a recent spike in ransomware attacks.

The NCSC dealt with several ransomware attacks against education establishments in August, which caused varying levels of disruption, depending on the level of security establishments had in place.

Ransomware attacks typically involve the encryption of an organisation’s data by cyber criminals, who then demand money in exchange for its recovery.

With institutions either welcoming pupils and students back for a new term, or preparing to do so, the NCSC’s alert urges them to take immediate steps such as ensuring data is backed up and also stored on copies offline.

They are also urged to read the NCSC’s newly-updated guidance on mitigating malware and ransomware attacks, and to develop an incident response plan which they regularly test.

👀 👉🏼

#alert #NCSC #cyber #security #uk #academia #ransomware
Budding cyber crims can now enrol at ‘hacker university’

For a one-off fee of $125, you too can become one of those scumbags who preys on elderly Internet users and small online businesses.

Cybersecurity software provider Armor this week revealed in its latest annual threat report that it has found a so-called ‘hacker university’ offering online courses that teach students how to commit various cyber crimes. These include how to access a router’s admin software; deploying ransomware; locating targets on compromised networks; and trafficking stolen credit card information, among others.

According to Armor, the ‘university’ also plans to sell its own range of ransomware, keyloggers password stealers, and trojans.

All of this is accessible for the low price of $125, paid in Bitcoin or Monero – a cryptocurrency that prides itself in offering anonymous payments.

“Creators of the site advertise that they want to ‘teach people about cybercrime and how to become a professional cybercriminal. By taking the course offered you will gain the knowledge and skills needed to hack an individual or company successfully with whatever malware you have at your disposal’,” said Armor, in its threat report.

Charming. Presumably the university doesn’t offer a course on ethics, where students are encouraged to try and reconcile their idealised image of hackers as modern-day outlaws with the reality that all they are really doing is stealing old peoples’ pensions.

Among the other findings in Armor’s report is an a la carte menu of various dark-Web products and services and their prices.

These include but are not limited to perennial favourites like an individual’s credit card information ($5-$35 depending on nationality and type of card) or DDoS attack ($100-$250 depending on the size of Website), to something a little more exotic, like personal identifiable information – street-name ‘fullz’ – or a white-label turnkey e-commerce platform that enables anyone to set up their own darkweb online store. There is even a service that offers to destroy a rival small business by bombarding it with spam and unwanted items ($185).

👀 👉🏼

#cyber #crims #crime #hacker #university #cybersecurity #thinkabout
Inside Israel’s lucrative — and secretive —cybersurveillance industry

The country’s hacking software is recognized the world over. Not everyone thinks it’s a good thing.

At age 18, K., like almost all Israelis, began his mandatory army service. “This was my way to give back to society and defend my country,” he says. “I was one of them. I was one of the radical ones.” From violent policing in the occupied West Bank to obscure, mundane office work, assignments in the Israeli Defense Forces vary wildly. K. remembers thinking, “Whatever job I’m given, I’ll do it.”

He also knew: “My head is stronger than my body. So, I thought, intelligence.”

After his initial assessment, K. was offered a chance to enter Unit 8200, an elite intelligence unit in the IDF. (K. spoke to Rest of World on condition of anonymity). Akin to the NSA, 8200 has attained an almost mythical cachet in the global tech industry. Graduates of 8200 go on to launch successful startups and land coveted jobs. Officially, an 8200 soldier’s status is classified both during and after service. Publicly, 8200 graduates happily boast of their experience in cover letters. In the many industries that touch their work, Unit 8200 is a brand name.

#Israel #cyber #surveillance
Media is too big
Cyber Polygon 2021 (Full Conference)

The World Economic Forum hosted Cyber Polygon, a multi-day event that simulates a worldwide Cyber Pandemic.

200+ organizations took part, with some of the largest financial and technology companies, representatives of public institutions, law enforcement agencies, telecommunications and energy organizations, and more. As for the executives and experts, the list is large.

#wef #Cyber #Polygon