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Exposed: China’s Operating Manuals for Mass Internment and Arrest by Algorithm

A new leak of highly classified Chinese government documents has uncovered the operations manual for running the mass detention camps in Xinjiang and exposed the mechanics of the region’s Orwellian system of mass surveillance and “predictive policing.”

The China Cables, obtained by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, include a classified list of guidelines, personally approved by the region’s top security chief, that effectively serves as a manual for operating the camps now holding hundreds of thousands of Muslim Uighurs and other minorities. The leak also features previously undisclosed intelligence briefings that reveal, in the government’s own words, how Chinese police are guided by a massive data collection and analysis system that uses artificial intelligence to select entire categories of Xinjiang residents for detention.

The manual, called a “telegram,” instructs camp personnel on such matters as how to prevent escapes, how to maintain total secrecy about the camps’ existence, methods of forced indoctrination, how to control disease outbreaks, and when to let detainees see relatives or even use the toilet. The document, dating to 2017, lays bare a behavior-modification “points” system to mete out punishments and rewards to inmates.

#orwellian #surveillance #xinjiang #uighur #uyghur #china #leaks
China’s Software Stalked Uighurs Earlier and More Widely, Researchers Learn

A new report revealed a broad campaign that targeted Muslims in China and their diaspora in other countries, beginning as early as 2013.

TAIPEI, Taiwan — Before the Chinese police hung high-powered surveillance cameras and locked up ethnic minorities by the hundreds of thousands in China’s western region of Xinjiang, China’s hackers went to work building malware, researchers say.

The Chinese hacking campaign, which researchers at Lookout — the San Francisco mobile security firm — said on Wednesday had begun in earnest as far back as 2013 and continues to this day, was part of a broad but often invisible effort to pull in data from the devices that know people best: their smartphones.

related post 1, 2

#asia #china #malware #surveillance #uighur #uyghur
Disney faces second wave of boycott calls for 'Mulan' movie

Disney's latest film Mulan has faced a second round of criticism following its launch in movie theatres and on Disney's streaming platform, Disney+. Netizens on Twitter are calling for the public to boycott the movie with the hashtag "
#BoycottMulan", claiming that the lead actress Liu Yi Fei supports police brutality in Hong Kong during its protest.

The call to boycott the Mulan film is not new, first igniting in August 2019. Netizens are appealing to the public not to watch the movie, if they support human rights. A few netizens have also criticised Disney for casting the actress and giving in to the demands of China government while creating the film. Separately, another netizen also pointed out that the publicity department of CPC Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region was included in the film credits, inferring that the filming took place in Xinjiang, where a "cultural genocide" is happening. The netizen is referring to the situation in Xinjiang, where Uyghurs (Muslim ethnic minority) are detained and allegedly tortured. Marketing has reached out to Disney for a statement.

Additionally, an edited image of the Mulan poster has been circulating online. The image featured Liu with a communist sign on her forehead. It also showed her social media comment at the side, with a flag of China in the background.

👀 👉🏼

#disney #BoycottMulan #mulan #Xinjiang #Uyghur #cultural #genocide #thinkabout #why
As China Tracked Muslims, Alibaba Showed Customers How They Could, Too

The website for the tech titan’s cloud business described facial recognition software that could detect members of a minority group whose persecution has drawn international condemnation.

As the Chinese government tracked and persecuted members of predominantly Muslim minority groups, the technology giant Alibaba taught its corporate customers how they could play a part.

Alibaba’s website for its cloud computing business showed how clients could use its software to detect the faces of Uighurs and other ethnic minorities within images and videos, according to pages on the site that were discovered by the surveillance industry publication IPVM and shared with The New York Times. The feature was built into Alibaba software that helps web platforms monitor digital content for material related to terrorism, pornography and other red-flag categories, the website said.

The discovery could thrust one of the world’s most valuable internet companies into the storm of international condemnation surrounding China’s treatment of its Muslim minorities.

#Asia #China #Alibaba #Uyghur #face #recognition #surveillance