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Article 13 of the copyright law went ahead directly because some deputies made a convenient 'mistake' when voting

Translation from:

Yesterday, at the headquarters of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, one of the most tense days was remembered. As we already know, the MEPs voted in favor of approving the copyright directive, which with its articles 13 and 11, now renumbered to 15 and 17, can change the way we use the Internet, particularly with regard to the management of the rights in content platforms and how the search engines and aggregators show the linked media.

The directive went ahead in the Eurochamber of Strasbourg with 348 votes in favor, 274 against and 36 abstentions. A difference so great that it can not be thought that it was due to generalized misconceptions. Ramón Tremosa, European MEP of the ALDE group, voted in favor of being against the board, and has corrected his vote a posteriori. However, in another of the key moments of the day, more MEPs mistakenly voted, and later they corrected their vote (see page 51 of this document ).

The vote on amendments to the directive was not made due to errors in the vote of some MEPs

The copyright directive was voted in full directly. Before that, the great hope of stopping it for its detractors was the turn to vote on amendments, among which there were some that requested the elimination of article 13 and 11 of the directive (which would return to their original form of 2016, that of the proposal of the European Commission). That is, it would have been approved, except with those two critical articles. It was the possibility that Julia Reda, one of the most critical MEPs, considered in her blog

However, the amendments could not be voted on individually, because 317 MEPs voted against being able to do so, compared to 312 who voted in favor and 24 who abstained. Hours later we learned, by the changes in registered votes, that Gerolf Annemans, Johannes Cornelis van Baalen, Dita Charanzová, Martina Dlabajová, Antanas Guoga, Eva Joly, Jo Leinen, Peter Lundgren, Michèle Rivasi, Kristina Winberg have modified their negative vote to an in favor one Subtracting those of the two MEPs who have modified their in favor vote to against, and one that changed from against to abstention, we have left 320 votes in favor for 309 against.

In the end, we win even if it does not count:

After the corrections of vote (which have no consequences), the first vote would have been won. Vote that could have allowed to take out articles 13 and 11 (17 and 15 in final version) of the Directive

The problem is that the corrections of votes have no consequences, so there is nothing in the hands of the MEPs. It is very sad that due to a procedural issue, the process can not be reopened and debate changes to the most controversial articles of the directive. It will have to be the Council of the European Union that decides the final destination of the copyright directive.

#eu #copyright
Lawsuit over online book lending could bankrupt Internet Archive

Four of the nation's leading book publishers have sued the Internet Archive, the online library best known for maintaining the Internet Wayback Machine. The Internet Archive makes scanned copies of books—both public domain and under copyright—available to the public on a site called the Open Library.

#ia #internetarchive #internet #archive #lawsuit #copyright
[México] Reparar tu smartphone o instalarle una ROM será delito en México: la nueva ley que protege los candados digitales, explicada

Repairing your smartphone or installing a ROM will be a crime in Mexico: the new law that protects digital locks, explained

Installing a custom ROM, downloading and using software that does not come from the same provider, and even repairing a phone, involves breaking a digital lock (also known as DRM), which is now expressly prohibited in the Federal Copyright Law. Digital padlocks are technological protection measures that hardware manufacturers or developers use for their copyrights to be protected. In this way, users cannot make a copy of the information that the systems contain and cannot access the software code.

The problem is that breaking padlocks is part of the process to repair a computer, update a device that has been discontinued by the manufacturer, or prevent a device from collecting user information.

The new Free Trade Agreement between Mexico, the United States and Canada enters into force on July 1. It was a priority of Congress that before it happened, a series of laws were harmonized, among which is the Federal Law on Copyright. Although civil organizations such as the Network for the Defense of Digital Rights and Article 19 denounced that the law could give way to cases of "prior censorship", and the debate loomed (but did not materialize) in the Senate, the reforms to the Law were approved both in the Senate and in the Chamber of Deputies on June 29 and 30 respectively. The same document established that digital locks must not be broken, with very few exceptions.

#Mexico #roms #repair #mod #copyright #drm #gov
Mexico's new copyright law puts human rights in jeopardy

Today, the Electronic Frontier Foundation joins a coalition of international organizations in publishing an open letter of opposition to Mexico's new copyright law; the letter lays out the threats that Mexico's new law poses to fundamental human rights and calls upon Mexico's National Human Rights Commission to take action to invalidate this flawed and unsalvageable law.

In a rushed process without meaningful consultation or debate, Mexico's Congress has adopted a new copyright law modeled on the U.S. system, without taking any account of the well-publicized, widely acknowledged problems with American copyright law. The new law was passed as part of a package of legal reforms accompanying the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), Donald Trump's 2020 successor to 1989's North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

#mexico #copyright
How Mexico's New Copyright Law Crushes Free Expression

When Mexico's Congress rushed through a new copyright law as part of its adoption of Donald Trump's United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), it largely copy-pasted the US copyright statute, with some modifications that made the law even worse for human rights.

The result is a legal regime that has all the deficits of the US system, and some new defects that are strictly hecho en Mexico, to the great detriment of the free expression rights of the Mexican people.

Mexico's Constitution has admirable, far-reaching protections for the free expression rights of its people. Mexico’s Congress is not merely prohibited from censoring its peoples' speech -- it is also banned from making laws that would cause others to censor Mexicans' speech.

#us #mexico #copyright #law
Mexico's New Copyright Law Undermines Mexico's National Sovereignty, Continuing Generations of Unfair "Fair Trade Deals" Between the USA and Latin America

Earlier this month, Mexico's Congress hastily imported most of the US copyright system into Mexican law, in a dangerous and ill-considered act. But neither this action nor its consequences occurred in a vacuum: rather, it was a consequence of Donald Trump's US-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), the successor to NAFTA.

Trade agreements are billed as creating level playing fields between nations to their mutual benefit. But decades of careful scholarship show that poorer nations typically come off worse through these agreements, even when they are subjected to the same rules, because the same rules don't have the same effect on different countries. Besides that, Mexico has now adopted worse rules than its trade partners.

#mexico #copyright #law
Vietnamese tech firm sues TikTok, alleging copyright infringement

HANOI (Reuters) - Vietnamese technology firm VNG is suing TikTok, the popular short-form video app, saying it does not have adequate licences for the songs being used in its videos, sources said on Monday.

VNG is accusing the Chinese-owned company of using audio tracks owned by Zing, a VNG subsidiary, without the company’s consent, two sources familiar with the issue said.

A legal document from the people’s court of Ho Chi Minh City seen by Reuters seeks damages from TikTok and demands that it ceases use of Zing’s music.

#Asia #Vietnam #TikTok #copyright #lawsuit
Popular torrenting site YTS provides IP address logs to copyright lawyers to extort you with

The second largest torrent site in the world, YTS, is actively working with copyright infringement lawyers to extort cash from torrent downloaders. This isn’t the only historical instance of a torrent site storing IP addresses to be used against torrenters but it is a confirmation of a disturbing new precedent which may stand on shaky legal ground.

In the past, torrent sites like The Pirate Bay (TPB) have stored IP addresses and even given them up as a way to pinpoint original uploaders of certain torrents. There have also been instances where YTS has given up logs in court for ongoing cases against downloaders. 👉🏼 The most recent revelation, though, is that YTS is also giving these logs to the Culpepper law firm in Hawaii so that Culpepper can send “Pay-Up-Or-Else Threats” to those that have used YTS, before a case is even filed. 👈🏼

That’s right… This time around, YTS is giving up the IP addresses and emails of downloaders to a copyright infringement lawyer who then turns around and tries to extort torrenters for cash settlements. TorrentFreak has been covering these revelations from YTS as part of an ongoing copyright infringement case against a US veteran. Now, TorrentFreak has seen a letter which confirms that torrenters using YTS are being caught up by what TorrentFreak calls “the most extraordinary business/legal arrangement ever witnessed in the piracy scene.” YTS provides the logs to Culpepper, who then sends the YTS user a threat of a case which can be settled for around $1,000.

👀 👉🏼

#yts #torrenting #copyright #lawyers
Media is too big
They're Deleting My Channel - But They Don't Even Know Why!!?!

I need your help! This may be my last ever YouTube video... Please share it to raise awareness. Thank you!

#youtube #google #copyright #thinkabout
Warning about using graphics from ‼️

Robert Kneschke charges 450 EUR for a children's drawing

One of our most active users, voluntarily maintains a homepage for a small elementary school. In the course of this he downloaded a children's drawing from for a vacation article. The site advertises that all kinds of graphics can be used free of charge, so the user thought he had fulfilled his obligations to check the copyright. But the graphic is in truth by Robert Kneschke.

The problem is that the site does not have an imprint. The English language links about privacy and copyright also lead to empty pages. Cloudflare protects the location of the web servers from being discovered. And also the Whois query of the domain does not reveal any useful information, not surprisingly. Since everything is anonymous, thanks to GoDaddy, one must unfortunately assume that the operators do not usually take it so closely with copyright law. Whoever uses graphics from there should be prepared for possible disciplinary warnings!

👀 👉🏼 Translated with DeepL:

#warning #alert #fraud #kneschke #clipartstation #copyright
⚠️ youtube-dl - Copyright Violations ⚠️

October 23, 2020


Dear Sir or Madam:

I am contacting you on behalf of the Recording Industry Association of America, Inc. (RIAA) and its member record companies. The RIAA is a trade association whose member companies create, manufacture or distribute sound recordings representing approximately eighty-five (85) percent of all legitimate recorded music consumption in the United States. Under penalty of perjury, we submit that the RIAA is authorized to act on behalf of its member companies on matters involving the infringement of their sound recordings, audiovisual works and images, including enforcing their copyrights and common law rights on the Internet.

Copyright Violations. We have learned that your service is hosting the youtube-dl source code on its network at the following locations, among others:

The above list includes a representative sample of the youtube-dl forks of the youtube-dl source code being hosted on GitHub. Based on our review of the representative sample noted above, we have a good faith belief that most of the youtube-dl forks are infringing to the same extent as the parent repository.

👀 👉🏼

#youtubedl #copyright #RIAA #takedown #thinkabout #pleaseshare
Media is too big
RIAA Abuses DMCA to Take Down Popular Tool for Downloading Online Videos

"youtube-dl" is a popular free software tool for downloading videos from YouTube and other user-uploaded video platforms. GitHub recently took down youtube-dl’s code repository at the behest of the Recording Industry Association of America, potentially stopping many thousands of users, and other programs and services, that rely on it.

‼️ Please share this video with others who use YouTube and other video uploading services. And if you use youtube-dl for lawful purposes, we want to hear from you. Email us at and include “youtube-dl” in the subject line. ‼️

👀 👉🏼

#youtubedl #copyright #RIAA #takedown #video #thinkabout #pleaseshare
Youtube-dl is back again - repository has been restored on GitHub

👀 👉🏼

#youtubedl #copyright #RIAA #takedown #github