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⚠️ youtube-dl - Copyright Violations ⚠️

October 23, 2020


Dear Sir or Madam:

I am contacting you on behalf of the Recording Industry Association of America, Inc. (RIAA) and its member record companies. The RIAA is a trade association whose member companies create, manufacture or distribute sound recordings representing approximately eighty-five (85) percent of all legitimate recorded music consumption in the United States. Under penalty of perjury, we submit that the RIAA is authorized to act on behalf of its member companies on matters involving the infringement of their sound recordings, audiovisual works and images, including enforcing their copyrights and common law rights on the Internet.

Copyright Violations. We have learned that your service is hosting the youtube-dl source code on its network at the following locations, among others:

The above list includes a representative sample of the youtube-dl forks of the youtube-dl source code being hosted on GitHub. Based on our review of the representative sample noted above, we have a good faith belief that most of the youtube-dl forks are infringing to the same extent as the parent repository.

👀 👉🏼

#youtubedl #copyright #RIAA #takedown #thinkabout #pleaseshare
Media is too big
RIAA Abuses DMCA to Take Down Popular Tool for Downloading Online Videos

"youtube-dl" is a popular free software tool for downloading videos from YouTube and other user-uploaded video platforms. GitHub recently took down youtube-dl’s code repository at the behest of the Recording Industry Association of America, potentially stopping many thousands of users, and other programs and services, that rely on it.

‼️ Please share this video with others who use YouTube and other video uploading services. And if you use youtube-dl for lawful purposes, we want to hear from you. Email us at and include “youtube-dl” in the subject line. ‼️

👀 👉🏼

#youtubedl #copyright #RIAA #takedown #video #thinkabout #pleaseshare
Telegram: the devastating verdict at - an analysis

The scathing verdict on Telegram bei heise still causes indignation. We explain why WhatsApp is worse. A guest commentary.

The devastating contribution of the editor Jürgen Schmidt caused a veritable wave of indignation in many cases. heise online presents Durows Messenger as a real "data protection nightmare". Even Zuckerberg's market leader WhatsApp works much more effectively when it comes to protecting the privacy of its users, Schmidt argues. Instead of presenting Telegram as a refuge for hackers, conspiracy theorists, right-wing radicals and other cyber criminals, heise took a closer look at the security aspects of Telegram. Our guest author shrugg1e took a closer look at the argumentation.

Is Telegram really a privacy nightmare?

At the end of November an article about the popular Messenger Telegram was published on the news portal Within a few days, almost 1,100 (!) comments accumulated there. The article obviously hit a sensitive nerve. So let's take a closer look at the published theses. By the way, just one year earlier, the same editor had publicly demonized WhatsApp at heise for disclosing far too much data to third parties.

👀 👉🏼 Translated with DeepL

#telegram #heise #shitpost #commentary #pleaseshare
Help us kick Bezos in the dick - Boss Baby Bezos is at it again!

Amazon opened a union busting website for people to report workers unions.
So lets do the world a favor and waste Jeff´s time, money and live energy (i hope) by spamming his website with bogus reports.

Eat shit, Jeff.

Page where the submittion form is:

#DeleteAmazon #amazon #unionbusting #union #pleaseshare #thinkabout #why
Help users in Iran reconnect to Signal

Just over a week ago, we announced that Iranian censors had started blocking all Signal traffic in the country. As an interim solution to help people in Iran get connected again, we’ve added support in Signal for a simple TLS proxy that is easy to set up, can be used to bypass the network block, and will securely route traffic to the Signal service.

This new connection method is supported in the latest Signal Android beta release, and will be rolling out to production users in a few days. Our hope is that this will help many people in Iran start sending and receiving messages again while we continue to explore additional censorship circumvention techniques that will work there.

💡Act as a proxy

✳️ If you want to help by running a proxy, to get started you only need the following:

A server with ports 80 and 443 available.
- A domain name (or subdomain) that points to the server’s IP address.

The proxy is extremely lightweight. An inexpensive and tiny VPS can easily handle hundreds of concurrent users. Here’s how to make it work:

#signal #help #iran #pleaseshare #thinkabout
Amazon delivery drivers in the US have until tonight to sign this consent form for Amazon to collect their biometric info and use AI-cameras that monitor their location and movement.

If they don't sign, they lose their jobs.

#DeleteAmazon #DickPunchBezos #pleaseshare #thinkabout #why