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The Ecuadorean Authorities Have No Reason to Detain Free Software Developer Ola Bini

Hours after the ejection of Julian Assange from the London Ecuadorean embassy last week, police officers in Ecuador detained the Swedish citizen and open source developer Ola Bini. They seized him as he prepared to travel from his home in Quito to Japan, claiming that he was attempting to flee the country in the wake of Assange’s arrest. Bini had, in fact, booked the vacation long ago, and had publicly mentioned it on his twitter account before Assange was arrested.

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Made in China, Exported to the World: The Surveillance State

Ecuador, cameras capture footage to be examined by police and domestic intelligence. The surveillance system’s origin: China.

QUITO, Ecuador — The squat gray building in Ecuador’s capital commands a sweeping view of the city’s sparkling sprawl, from the high-rises at the base of the Andean valley to the pastel neighborhoods that spill up its mountainsides.

The police who work inside are looking elsewhere. They spend their days poring over computer screens, watching footage that comes in from 4,300 cameras across the country.

The high-powered cameras send what they see to 16 monitoring centers in Ecuador that employ more than 3,000 people. Armed with joysticks, the police control the cameras and scan the streets for drug deals, muggings and murders. If they spy something, they zoom in.

This voyeur’s paradise is made with technology from what is fast becoming the global capital of surveillance: China.

Ecuador’s system, which was installed beginning in 2011, is a basic version of a program of computerized controls that Beijing has spent billions to build out over a decade of technological progress. According to Ecuador’s government, these cameras feed footage to the police for manual review.

But a New York Times investigation found that the footage also goes to the country’s feared domestic intelligence agency, which under the previous president, Rafael Correa, had a lengthy track record of following, intimidating and attacking political opponents. Even as a new administration under President Lenín Moreno investigates the agency’s abuses, the group still gets the videos.

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Who killed Ecuador's Fernando Villavicencio? | Invidious

The Grayzone presents a documentary investigation into the career and killing of Fernando Villavicencio, the late Ecuadorian presidential candidate and former President of the Commission of Fiscalization and Political Control of the National Assembly of Ecuador.

Days after proclaiming that Ecuador had been "kidnapped by the mafias," Villavicencio was assassinated at close range by a gunman allegedly hired by the narco gangs he had vowed to destroy. Our investigation raises new questions about police and high-level political involvement in the killing, while examining its impact on the country's August 24th national election.

| The Grayzone |

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Media is too big

Turi prison enforcers were made prisoners, and some were neutralized