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SUMMER OF THE HAWKS - Seymour Hersh –

Wishful thinking is still the rule among Biden's foreign policy team, as the slaughter in Ukraine continues

It’s been weeks since we looked into the adventures of the Biden administration’s foreign policy cluster, led by Tony Blinken, Jake Sullivan, and Victoria Nuland. How has the trio of war hawks spent the summer?

#Ukraine #US #Neocons #WarHawks #VictoriaNuland #AnthonyBlinken #Biden #JakeSullivan #SeymourHersh
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Gold Star Father Calls President Biden a "Disgrace and an asshole" | C-SPAN 29 08 2023

Mark Schmitz, a gold star father calls President Biden a "disgrace" and an "asshole" during a discussion before the House Foreign Affairs Committee. The committee is investigating the deadly suicide bombing in August 2021 that left 13 U.S. servicemembers dead. Mr. Schmitz lost his son during the attack, Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Jared Schmitz.

#Biden #GoldStarFather #US #USMC #Asshole
Hunter Biden's Firm And Vice President Biden's Office Exchanged Over 1,000 Emails | ZeroHedge –

New records released by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) reveal that Hunter Biden’s firm, Rosemont Seneca Partners, exchanged over 1,000 emails with the office of then-Vice President Joe Biden during the Obama Administration.

#Biden #Corruption #US #NARA
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GOP Representative Blasts Reporter For Biden Impeachment Inquiry Blindness

Scott Perry responds fiery to the UK Channel 4 Washington reporter who alleges that the Republicans' Biden impeachment inquiry is driven by a desire for 'political revenge.’

Source @RTnews_unc3 RT / C-Span

#Biden #impeachment #inquiry
#corruption #US
Biden’s phase’ of Ukraine war is beginning | Indian Punchline –

The ground war in Ukraine has run its course, a new phase is beginning. Even diehard supporters of Ukraine in the western media and think tanks are admitting that a military victory over Russia is impossible and a vacation of the territory under Russian control is way beyond Kiev’s capability.

Hence the ingenuity of the Biden Administration to explore Plan B counselling Kiev to be realistic about loss of territory and pragmatically seek dialogue with Moscow. This was the bitter message that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken transmitted to Kiev recently in person. 

#Ukraine #US #Nato #Biden #EU #Blinken #Russia
Media is too big
New Revelations From Biden Impeachment Inquiry Documents | CLIP | Truth Over News

The House Ways and Means Committee has just released a treasure trove of emails and other documents exposing Biden corruption—but you almost wouldn’t have known about it because the media has, once again, been covering things up.

We all know that it had been Trump, the airwaves would be absolutely saturated with non-stop coverage.

The document dump contains more than 700 pages-worth of evidence, some of which is extremely damning—including a letter signed by Hunter Biden pressuring Ukraine’s chief prosecutor to end his investigations into the corrupt energy firm Hunter was on the board of Burisma.

Watch the full episode

#Biden #HunterBiden #US
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Apartheid Israel is an American investment

The imperialist regime of the
#USA , the main sponsor of the Israeli #occupation state, is responsible for the continuing catastrophe in #Palestine, as it is responsible for the misery of many other oppressed peoples around the world. In this video Joe #Biden, a known #Zionist and a longtime warmonger, spills the beans and explain why the Israeli #Apartheid regime in Palestine is the best American investment.

Source : MiddleEastEye
🇮🇱🇺🇸 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is banking all he has on a single bet: that the U.S. will go the full nine yards in his madcap idea of a regional war between Israel and Iran’s proxies in the region.

For Netanyahu, this was always the plan from the very beginning. But it will take a series of stepping stones to get to this objective. First off is that he has to convince the Biden administration to join the IDF in its war within the Gaza Strip. And even that’s not going to be easy.

The temptation by Netanyahu to arrange a false flag attack on the Americans is too great if and when he sees the conflict not going his way 💢

💬 Read more by Martin Jay

#Netanyahu #GazaStrip #Israel #Biden #Pentagon

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OCTOBER 7th CONTEXT: Israel has around 6,000 Palestinian prisoners or hostages in its jails, held without trial, according to former British diplomat Alastair Crooke.
🦅 Well, what a descent into the gutter. Only a few months ago, U.S. President Joe Biden was given a rapturous welcome when he visited the Irish town of Ballina. It is from here that his ancestors emigrated to the United States in the mid-19th century.

At the weekend, the town held a protest to condemn the genocide in Gaza and denounced the American president for his administration’s disgraceful support to Israel. Biden was roundly vilified as Genocide Joe ☠️

It was a relatively small gathering in Ballina of a couple of hundred people. But there have been several protests all over Ireland in recent weeks as well as in the major cities of Belfast and Dublin. The Irish demonstrations are part of a worldwide tide of protests against the Israeli genocide in Gaza and the Western governments’ support that enables it.

Biden has been labelled “Genocide Joe” by protesters in the United States and around the world who are incensed by Washington’s complicity in Israel’s mass killing of Palestinians over the past five weeks.

💬 Finian Cunningham writes

#GazaStrip #genocide #Ireland #Israel #Biden #Palestine

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🇵🇸 Israel-Palestine: A message from Ray McGovern | Consortium News

HO! HO! SLEEPY JOE, GENOCIDE HAS GOT TO GO! Remember: “Hey! Hey! LBJ, How Many Kids D’You Kill Today?” helped stop genocide in Vietnam? Can we do the same for children in Gaza & the West Bank, where I watched in awe the bravery of youth resisting occupiers

Genocide Has Got to Go – Ray McGovern – Veterans for Peace

#Palestine #OPT #WestBank #Tamimi #Gaza #Genocide #Netanyahu #USA #US #JoeBiden #Biden
WATCH🚨- Senator Joe Biden aggressively advocates for bombing 12-year-old Novak Djokovic.

Biden strongly supported bombing Yugoslavia in 1999 without United Nations approval.

Djokovic, who was 12 at the time, remembers how scary it was when Biden's bombs hit his home.

"My dad was carrying my brothers, and my mom was running with stuff, and I slipped, and I fell."

"As I turned around, I looked over the building, and I saw these stealth planes just flying and dropping things, and the ground was shaking."

"That's one of the most traumatic experiences and images in my childhood that stayed with me to this day."

In 1999, #NATO bombed #Yugoslavia for 78 days without approval from the United Nations, dropping more than 28,000 bombs, including depleted uranium and cluster munitions, killing over 2000 civilians and displacing more than 250,000 people.

NATO destroyed:
-25,000 residential buildings
-595 kilometers railroads
-470 kilometers roads
-44 bridges
-14 airports
-19 hospitals
-69 schools
-18 kindergartens
-176 cultural monuments

Senator Joe Biden criticized NATO for not being ruthless enough and suggested a harsher "Japanese German-style occupation."

If you look at every modern American war or conflict, from Yugoslavia to Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Ukraine, or Gaza, you'll find President Joe Biden's bloody fingerprints directly involved in increasing the bloodshed.

Supporting Joe #Biden means supporting a never-ending cycle of war and a continuous flow of bloodshed.

⚠️ Biden just died of a heart attack at the White House .

Source : AP

#Biden #Vax #Jabs
Biden Laptop Report Speaking Tour — 3/16/2024 — Quincy, IL
#Biden #HunterBiden #HunterBidenLaptop
Hunter Biden being convicted of a firearms charge is the ultimate red herring of red herrings.

@greg_price11 The DOJ allowed the statute of limitations expire on his most serious tax charges, buried evidence of the Bidens' foreign bribery allegations, and attempted to give Hunter a sweetheart deal with broad immunity. David Weiss wouldn't go after him on the serious tax charges or on FARA because all of that would lead back to the shady business dealings involving his father. Instead, they went after him for a much lesser charge, where the evidence was way too insurmountable to ignore, so they can scream "nobody is above the law" when they put President Trump in jail."

(@WendellHusebo): "Here a list of 53 crimes of which the DOJ could have charged Hunter Biden (compiled by @MarcoPolo501c3) Instead, Joe Biden's DOJ only charged Hunter Biden for three minor crimes: 2 Tax violations 1 Gun violation Hunter will likely not go to jail"

#Biden #HunterBiden
In a bizarre move Hunter Biden asks for a new trial, then mysteriously cancels it

Hunter Biden's lawyers asked Monday for a new trial based on a technicality following conviction for lying about being a drug addict and purchasing a weapon. Several of their appeals have failed, but this was an attack on the judge in the case.

The 54-year-old's lawyers initially filed papers in Delaware federal court Monday morning saying trial judge Maryellen Noreika didn't have jurisdiction over Hunter's case due to pending rulings. A note in the court docket said, "The Motion for a New Trial… has been deleted at the request of counsel."

#Biden #HunterBiden
Media is too big
🇵🇸 The Night Won’t End: Biden’s War on Gaza

As Israel’s bombing campaign continues in Gaza and the humanitarian crisis deepens to catastrophic levels, the #Biden administration has not wavered in its support for Israel.

United States (#US) weapons transfers - from 2,000-pound bombs to artillery shells and tanks - have been a crucial part of the Israeli military campaign.

Fault Lines worked with journalists in Gaza to profile three families as they try to survive the war.

Together with #Airwars, FL also investigated an air strike on December 11 in north Gaza in which more than 100 people from the same family were killed.FL partnered with #ForensicArchitecture and #Earshot to investigate that attack.

From air strikes to field executions, Fault Lines investigates the killings of civilians by the Israeli military in #Gaza and the role of the United States in the war.

Credits, Gaza journalists & production crew: Hussien Jaber, Motasem Abu Aser, Bilal Salem, Soliman Alfarra

#Genocide #Documentary
Biden’s done. CNN is absolutely HAMMERING him. The Dems are clearly getting ready to replace Biden.

Who’s getting the Dem ticket? 🤔

Text via @zeeemedia
#Biden #US #Election #GenocideJoe #SleepyJoe