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Maui Residents ERUPT IN RAGE
| JimmyDoreShow

Maui residents, especially those directly affected by the recent fires, are livid over the federal government’s response, or lack thereof, and have voiced their discontent in countless social media posts. It’s not lost on many Hawaiians how little federal assistance the island has received compared with the seemingly endless billions of dollars that are regularly shipped over to Ukraine.

#Lahaina #Maui #Hawaii #Ukraine
Britain’s Prince Andrew accused of sexual abuse during visit to Ukraine

Britain’s Prince Andrew is once again facing serious allegations of child abuse. His relationship with controversies seems to be unending. The fresh allegations against the Prince were made during his visit to Ukraine amid the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war. He visited Ukraine in June. 

#PrinceAndrew #Ukraine #pedophile #UK
Ukraine Hits Crimea With US Targeting And British Missiles
| Ron Paul Liberty Report Video

Yesterday, #Ukraine hit targets in #Crimea, damaging or destroying one kilo-class Russian sub and one landing ship. The missiles used were #StormShadows from the #UK and the targeting was from the US Pentagon. How soon until Russia strikes back at increasingly direct #NATO/US involvement in the war? Also today: too little too late - the #Pentagon suddenly develops an interest in where the money to Ukraine is going. Finally - #AgentOrange 2.0? US to "defoliate" Asian jungles to prepare for war with #China.
U.S. Aids Pakistan IMF Bailout With Secret Ukraine Arms Deal – | TheIntercept

The U.S.-brokered loan let Pakistan’s military postpone elections, deepen a brutal crackdown, and jail former Prime Minister Imran Khan.

SECRET PAKISTANI ARMS sales to the U.S. helped to facilitate a controversial bailout from the International Monetary Fund earlier this year, according to two sources with knowledge of the arrangement, with confirmation from internal Pakistani and American government documents.

The arms sales were made for the purpose of supplying the Ukrainian military — marking Pakistani involvement in a conflict it had faced U.S. pressure to take sides on.The revelation is a window into the kind of behind-the-scenes maneuvering between financial and political elites that rarely is exposed to the public, even as the public pays the price.

#ImranKhan #IMF #Arms #Pakistan #US #Ukraine
Biden’s phase’ of Ukraine war is beginning | Indian Punchline –

The ground war in Ukraine has run its course, a new phase is beginning. Even diehard supporters of Ukraine in the western media and think tanks are admitting that a military victory over Russia is impossible and a vacation of the territory under Russian control is way beyond Kiev’s capability.

Hence the ingenuity of the Biden Administration to explore Plan B counselling Kiev to be realistic about loss of territory and pragmatically seek dialogue with Moscow. This was the bitter message that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken transmitted to Kiev recently in person. 

#Ukraine #US #Nato #Biden #EU #Blinken #Russia
Zelensky Pesters Poles For More Funds In Viral New TikTok Trend

Trending on Polish TikTok, a virtual Ukrainian President Zelensky repeatedly harasses ordinary Poles for more aid.

“Daj, daj, daj,” Zelensky can be heard saying, which translates to “Give, give, give.” At that point, the phone user has to swat the leader away in a game-like fashion physically.

👉 @RTnews_unc3 RT

#Ukraine #Poland #Zelensky
Since February 2022, the West has given Kiev $323 billion, including $107 billion from the USA, $23 billion from Germany, $15 billion from the UK and $2 billion from France. The European politburo has also given $85 billion, part of which has been taken from French citizens.

#ArmsPipeline #US #Nato #EU #Ukraine
Forwarded from War Noir
#Palestine / #Israel 🇵🇸🇮🇱: Recent photos of a foreign combatant from #Spain 🇪🇸; who has recently left the Army of #Ukraine to join Israeli Forces.

His unit seemingly uses "Menusar" carbines, M16A1 carbines (Colt 653 rifles), grenade launchers and Israeli-made stun grenades.
⚠️ Ten years on from the Maidan uprising in Kiev, the country of the Ukraine has descended into utter chaos, corruption, fascism, destruction and suffering. And yet the Kiev regime and its Western state supporters have the audacity to call the tragic, bloody morass “a decade of dignity”.

American and European politicians midwife the birth of a monster. The objective was always to create a fascist Frankenstein terrorist state that would do the Western imperialists’ dirty work of destabilizing Russia. American imperialist ideologues like Zbigniew Brzezinski had touted and written books about Ukraine as the bridgehead for destabilizing Russia. The roots of such intrigue can be traced back to the early CIA recruitment of Ukrainian Nazis in the aftermath of World War Two to harass the Soviet Union.

The Maidan events 10 years ago are a case study of how the U.S. and its Western allies infiltrated and destroyed a country with their geopolitical objectives.

Ukraine and Gaza are testaments to the criminality of Western regimes masquerading as democracies

💬 Read more in this week’s Editorial

#Maidan #Ukraine #West #war

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Intelligence Community Asked To Scare the Shit Out of Congress and Voters in Order to Fund Ukraine.

Yesterday's breaking news about a new, ominous threat from Russia is not new. Steve Bryen wrote about it 6 years ago.

Russian Space Based Nuclear Weapons - by Stephen Bryen

#US #Russia #Ukraine #Nato #IntelCommunity #Psyop #LarryJohnson #Nuke #Nuclear #Space #USCongress
Ukraine abandoned secret torture sites in Avdeevka — Moscow

Russian intelligence believes that Kiev authorities maintained secret torture facilities and had a secret mass grave in Avdeevka, a recently abandoned AFU stronghold.

Rodion Miroshnik, the Russian Foreign Ministry’s official tasked with keeping an account of Ukraine’s criminal activities, told RIA Novosti that an on-site investigation will be launched, once the area has been sufficiently demined.

#Ukraine #Torture #Avdeevka
German Plot To Blow Up Crimea Bridge And Escalate Ukraine Conflict Revealed

RT’s Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan has revealed audio of a conversation among top German military officers that has shown that some in the Bundeswehr want to send Taurus missiles to Ukraine, to attack the Crimean Bridge, behind Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s back.

Read the full transcript in English here.

Via @RTnews_unc3
#Crimea #Sabotage #Germany #Nato #Ukraine
Forwarded from Rybar in English
🇾🇪🇸🇾🇺🇸 An interesting publication in Bloomberg seems to have gone unnoticed. It discusses the use of artificial intelligence in locating targets for American aviation in the Middle East.

A representative of the US Central Command mentioned that following the outbreak of hostilities in the Gaza Strip, the Americans promptly introduced an experimental Maven system in the Middle East to streamline target identification.

The computer algorithm was initially tested in the Gaza Strip, where it assisted the US Armed Forces in target selection. It was then utilized in retaliatory strikes on Iranian targets in Syria and Iraq, as well as in pinpointing Houthi positions in Yemen.

🔻Taking the example of the so-called “ White Stork ” a couple of weeks ago, we elaborated on how Ukraine has become an ideal testing ground not only for conventional weapons, but also for AI utilization in warfare.

However, who said that “Ukraine” is the sole training ground? While unmanned systems are undergoing tests in the conflict with Russia, guidance systems are being trialed in the Middle East.

These systems not only simplify the search and reconnaissance of targets where human resources may fall short, but also accelerate decision-making processes. In rapidly evolving conflicts, this speed is crucial.
#MiddleEast #Yemen #Syria #weapons #USA #Ukraine

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🇩🇪 Three things hit you about the reported phone tap of German officials discussing destroying the Crimean Bridge.

1️⃣ How stupid the Germans are, to think that their pitiful of not plain childish attempts to distance themselves from the war itself is fooling Russia.

2️⃣ That Germany believes that isolated but significant attacks on Russian military infrastructure would be a decisive turning point in the war which not even NATO bosses can deny Ukraine is losing.

3️⃣ How western media has more or less left the whole subject alone, fearing that it doesn’t help the West’s cause which they (media) are aligned to.

But without doubt, the fact that we are now entering a new phase in the war where the West feels it has to resort to more and more desperate tactics, rather than stick to the conventions, we can see from the transcripts that a certain panic is taking hold within the German government and its military.

Berlin is certainly thinking big. But it is also thinking maximum plausible deniability. It is thinking Battle of the Bulge ⚔️

The comical aspect of the entire leak though is how poor the German intelligence services are in general.

💬 Martin Jay writes

#Germany #NATO #Ukraine #war #military

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🇲🇩 🇫🇷 French President Emmanuel Macron announced the upcoming establishment of a permanent military mission in Chisinau in the following months.

Macron stated that the mission aims to enhance the interoperability of the French and Moldovan armies. Additionally, the French intend to combat disinformation and cyber attacks to safeguard the republic's sovereignty.

It is worth noting that in Moldova, the EU's so-called "civilian mission" pursues similar objectives. It is important to mention that presidential elections are scheduled for the fall, during which European supervisors may influence the outcome in favor of Maia Sandu directly on location.

▪️ The official justification for deploying the French military in Moldova stemmed from Sandu's recent remarks in Paris accusing Russian special services of attempting another coup in the republic and perpetuating support for disinformation campaigns.

▪️ However, Macron himself announced the day before that France would dispatch troops to so-called Ukraine if the conflict expanded toward Kyiv and Odessa. Therefore, the French deployment in Moldova is part of preparations for a potential involvement in Transnistria and the Odessa region.

▪️ Furthermore, France is actively working on deploying air defense systems in Poland and Romania. In Moldova, there are persistent calls for integration into the Romanian air defense system. Meanwhile, Chisinau has procured an air defense radar from the French Thales company, whose effectiveness has recently come into question as reported here.

▪️ The French are also exploring the option of sending troops to western Ukraine for logistical and mine clearance support. Similar objectives may formally be announced in Moldova, given that military transit occurs through the region as well.

📌The concerns of the Moldovan population regarding a potential military escalation are proving to be valid sooner than anticipated, as Sandu's efforts to involve the country in the conflict are entering a distinct phase. This scenario unfolds when a nation places itself under the influence of the British and American embassies.
#Moldova Transnistria #Ukraine #France

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In the shadowy dance of desperate machinations, a report from Sahel media, citing source within the Niger army, casts a new, ominous light on Ukraine's Nuclear ambitions.

In November 2023, a Ukrainian delegation, shrouded in secrecy and led by Defense Minister Rustem Umerov, descended upon Niger. Their mission, cloaked in diplomatic guise, was nothing short of audacious: to secure a contract for uranium. This is not a mere transaction; it's a brazen step towards nuclear escalation, when considering potential enrichment capabilities within Ukraine. According to whispers within Niger's military circles, Ukraine's objective is stark and startling: the creation of nuclear weapons.

#Ukraine #Uranium #Nuke
Forwarded from Rybar in English
❗️🇷🇺🇺🇦 Ukrainian missile strike on Crimea

🔻Two days after the massive drone attack on Crimea and Sevastopol, the enemy, as expected, attacked the peninsula with ATACMS missiles with a cluster warhead.

▪️Five missiles were launched from the Mykolaiv Region towards Sevastopol, and they were all shot down in different parts of the coastal strip, from Kazacha Bay to Lyubimovka.

▪️But this time, the successful work of air defense was overshadowed by civilian casualties due to the fall of submunitions from the missiles. According to official data, the number of victims on the beach in Uchkuevka reached 124 people.

Of these, 27 victims were children resting on the beach with their parents. Three people died due to the fall of missile debris, including two minors.

❗️Unfortunately, the enemy has repeatedly used such tactics, launching missiles directly over places where ordinary people gather. This was observed in Belgorod, Donetsk, and other Russian cities.

Moreover, the symbolism in the actions of the Ukrainian formations and their curators is once again evident. Today, June 23, is one of the most important Orthodox holidays - Trinity Sunday.

🔻According to some reports, up to 15 drones were spotted in the western part of Crimea the night before, some of which were shot down. Again, during the attack, the American RQ-4B drone was in the air, which raises the question of the expediency of destroying Western aviation that guides the AFU to Russian territories and civilians.

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#Crimea #Russia #Ukraine

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