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Do you remember Marianna
the young pregnant woman on a stretcher?

"No shots were fired, we slept peacefully at night.
On 9 March, we were sitting, talking ... and then we heard a shell explode

This young woman, has featured in all the world's mass media photos since the bombing of the #Mariupol #maternity #hospital, she describes how the maternity ward was turned into barracks for the Ukrainian fighters #UAF #Azov

According to her, there was no air raid, no one heard any planes, there was a shell. At the same time, a cameramen appeared immediately, including a journalist from the Associated Press, the young woman notes.

#Propaganda #Ukraine #FakeNews #Nato #EU #AP #Media
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#Mariupol today - 05/04/22

Today I reached the area of the theater and the regional headquarters of the SBU (Security Service of Ukraine), in the city center. In the neighboring neighborhoods the fighting continues, building by building. Every now and then a few shots explode not far away, it is always necessary to pay close attention to all the surrounding sounds. Despite this, there are not a few civilians wandering the streets, not paying too much attention to the battles going on in the streets.

Source / photographer @vn_rangeloni
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#Mariupol, city center.

( folow up of the pictures posted yesterday )

Neighborhood after neighborhood I managed to reach the theater and the nearby building of the SBU (Ukrainian security services). In the streets around continued the fighting. Every now and then a few shots still fall from those parts, so there was too little time for further investigation and to find any witnesses of the events.
After the first accusations from Kiev, talking about hundreds of dead, the denial came through the Ombudsman Denisova.

In those parts you can see groups of people, from other districts, wandering in search of food, water and wood, exploring the city, often without knowing which areas are safe and which are dangerous. This leads to inevitable and constant updating of the death and injury toll.

#Donbass #Ukraine
Source reporter / photographer
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#Mariupol in the grips of Lies
- English subtitles

You wanted to run away from the war, but they wouldn't let you out.

They stabbed you in the back and drove you back into the basement. Those who tried to sneak out of the city now lie motionless in the yards and streets.

When you have bid farewell to life a hundred times over, no longer reacting to the relentless roar of explosions above, and the whole world has shrunk to the size of a small basement room, packed to the brim with frightened women and bellowing children -
what else can you do?

Hundreds of hours of
agonising waiting. Hunger, thirst and pain, the stinking cold air soaked with whitewash from the ceiling.

Author & Source

Via @donbass_photos
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Sur la route de #Mariupol / On the road to Mariupol

Source photographe

#Donbass #Ukraine
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#Mariupol - 30/03/22

Residents of liberated areas of the city are gradually taking to the streets. People are asking for help, including medical help. Many need to be evacuated from the war zone.

All the details are in my story. You will also find more pictures. Someone might recognise their relatives and friends

Source @avroradonbass

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UkraineMaps (@MapsUkraine): "#MARIUPOL State Duma deputy Adam Delimkhanov confirms that #NATO #instructors are stuck altogether with #Azov #nazis inside #Azovstal: "I would give them advice: don’t get on helicopters. Better hang out the [white] flag, and come to us."" | Nitter | PussTheCat.org
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UkraineMaps (@MapsUkraine): "#DONBASS Russian soldiers found #ISIS
warfare handbooks embedded with #Azov terrorists, the books teaches the ideological war-doctrine of ISIS
:" | Nitter | PussTheCat.org

#Ukraine #Azov #Azovstal #ISIS
#EI #Mariupol
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Slavyangrad (@NuestraIraSLG): "#MARIUPOL—The #blacksite #Biblioteka (#Library) prison at the Mariupol #Airport (shut down since June 19, 2014), where #SBU (#Ukraine|ian secret police) tortured, killed, & effected disappearances of #Ukrainian civilians and #DNR/#LNR #POW|s. #UkraineWarCrimes #UkraineWar #Russia" | FDNitter –
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Elijah J. Magnier 🇪🇺 (@ejmalrai): "The #US consider the #EU as its most dangerous non-military threat. Europe, per US strategy, should always be dependent on the US military, follow a strategy that falls in the US interest and keep away from #Russia and #China even at the cost of Europe's interest." | Nitter | PussTheCat.org

"It is not a war between Russia & #Ukraine. It is a war btwn the US & Russia, with China next on the US list of targets. Ukraine accepted to play the game. The US needs war for its survival as a dominant power & will violently resist any attempt to create a multipolar world."

"When facing a war anywhere in the world, a bird-eye view is needed to understand the dynamics. Ask: cui bono. Those who say: Russia invaded Ukraine have narrow visibility of what is happening in the global picture & what are the real objectives of dragging Russia into a war."

"Russia invaded Ukraine is a cristal clear fact. However, I advise you to return to two main and most important events that marked the world and explain what is happening today: 1. President Vladimir #Putin's speech at #Munich in 2007 2. #NATO response during the 2008 Summit"
"Putin's famous speech
( NATO summit ( when the US understood that Russia is preparing the ground of return and wants a multipolar world, ending the unipolar control. This is what the Ukraine battlefield is about."

"According to the art of #propaganda war that the west is mastering in Ukraine, the fall of #Mariupol should not be considered a "victory" for #Donbass separatists or an achievement for Russia. Therefore, expect a false flag very soon. No rules."
Forwarded from GJ `°÷°` 🇵🇸🕊 (t ``~__/>)
Stunning documentary on the mutual aid, and the organization of humanitarian aid brought to the population of #Mariupol

Мариуполь. Город "Метро" Mariupol - the city of "Metro" -

Whoever reaches this city will be saved. In the most terrible times, when only ashes of all the previous life remain, and the smoke of fires obscures the eyes, there is hope. People are saved by the people who reach out to them - where only yesterday there was a realm of desolation and walls riddled with fragments, today a living city has risen - a city of salvation - the city of "Metro". And thousands of people are going there, gaining new faith and hope. And this is just the beginning.

Source @avroradonbass
Full video here:
#Mariupol #Ukraine #Documentaire #Documentary #photographe
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Media is too big
Мариуполь. Город "Метро" Mariupol - the city of " Metro"

#Documentaire saisissant sur l'entraide, et l'organisation de l'aide humanitaire apporté a la population de #Mariupol #Ukraine
Source @avroradonbass
#Photographe #photos
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Russians With Attitude (@RWApodcast): "The statement is addressed to all of the #AFU, but it'll be broadcast on all radio frequencies at #Azovstal every 30 minutes starting at 6am."

"Russian #MOD once more offering Ukrainian soldiers in #Mariupol a chance to #surrender - full statement -
#Russia #Ukraine #FOG
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#Mariupol: first look inside the #Ilicha ironworks - Invidious –

Strongholds for defending Ukrainian forces. Today (15/04/22) Russian government announced that they and the #Donetsk People’s Republic had full control over the expansive plant. We were the first western journalists enter since fighting largely stopped; though sporadic small arms fire could still be heard.

Source @mticlarke
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Urban Hybrid War Guide destined for the Ukrainian nationalists in #Ukraine ! We can see how this was put to exercice by the #Nazis #Azov Batalion in #Mariupol and elsewhere.

John Spencer (@SpencerGuard): "My "Mini-Manual for the Urban Defender," I hope it can still help all those that continue to fight, are ready to fight! Available in English and Ukrainian. It can be downloaded as a PDF for printing/mailing widely. #SlavaUkraini" | Nitter | PussTheCat.org
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Gleb Bazov (@gbazov): "#AZOVSTAL—Photographs from the industrial district of #Azovstal in #Mariupol, where #Russia|n and #DNR forces are steadily progressing through the defensive lines of #Ukraine|ian & #Azov #NationalGuard positions. #UkraineRussiaWar #RussiaUkraineWar" | FDNitter –
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Gleb Bazov (@gbazov): "S3b—#MARIUPOL—Essentially, only #Azovstal remains to be cleared of the remnants of #Ukraine|ian (#Azov regiment) resistance. According to some estimates, up to 3k fighters remain in this industrial fortified area. #Russia|n forces have managed to clear the northern cluster. 20/27" | FDNitter –
At first we didn't want to publish this video - it's hard to watch. But we decided that these shots are also important for the chronology, because they show the heroism of our guys fighting for a dead comrade.

In the Mariupol video, a Russian marine was wounded by the National Azov Battalion. The wound turned out to be fatal - the bullet hit the artery.

Footage from our military officer Andrei Filatov @FilatovCorr, who filmed this report on the eve of the complete blockade of
#Azov #nazis in #Azovstal.

Source @milchronicles
#Mariupol #Ukraine