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Forwarded from Ice Age Farmer
Emergence of "black market food" more expensive than the government rations — we will witness this anywhere there is rationing.

Lebanese face long ‘insulting’ queues to buy bread

Mansour has to queue for hours every day just to buy bread for his family and some days he can’t afford any. In a country which once boasted the nickname “Switzerland of the Middle East” for its thriving banking sector before financial crisis hit in 2019, the chronic shortage of the staple of the Lebanese diet has been hard to take.

Faced with demands from international creditors for painful reforms in return for the release of new aid, the embattled government has been forced to end subsidies on most essential goods — although not so far on wheat. The price of subsidised bread has gone up, although by less than if there were no subsidy, but bakeries have started rationing the staple. A bag of flat Arabic pitta-like bread now officially sells for 13,000 Lebanese pounds (43 US cents). On the black market it costs more than 30,000. “Last week I went without bread for three days because I cannot afford to pay 30,000,” said Mansour, 48.

For Mansour and most Lebanese, buying bread means standing for hours in long queues outside bakeries and sometimes, when their turn comes, the bakeries have run out of bread.

#FoodPrices #Rationing #Lebanon
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At least 7 banks robbed today in #Lebanon by savers claiming their own money, blocked since the start of the crisis in 2019. Protesters gather to support the robbers. All banks in the country will be closed for three days for security 🚨

They're not robbers, they're forcibly withdrawing their own money.

Unfortunately, these are no longer places where money is stored. Banks are just places to bring fake money into existence on a computer and then demand it back from people with interest.

The world will be better when they all fall. Faster, please.

Uncle Sow: Dark Caracal in Latin America - EFF - 2023

In 2018, EFF along with researchers from Lookout Security published a report describing the Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) we dubbed "Dark Caracal."

Now we have uncovered a new Dark Caracal campaign operating since March of 2022, with hundreds of infections across more than a dozen countries. In this report we will present evidence that the cyber mercenary group Dark Caracal is still active and continues to be focused on Latin America, as was reported last year. We have discovered that Dark Caracal, using the Bandook spyware, is currently infecting over 700 computers in Central and South America, primarily in The Dominican Republic and Venezuela. 

#DarkCaracal #Bandook #Lebanon #LatinAmerica #EFF #Lookout
Paradigm shift in Palestine, by Thierry Meyssan

When it was created, Hamas was financed by the United Kingdom(#UK). It was supported by the Israeli secret services to weaken Yasser Arafat’s #Fatah. Israel then fought it and assassinated its religious leader, Sheikh Ahmed Yassin. Then, once again, Israel used Hamas to eliminate the leaders of the Marxist Palestinian Resistance.

Hamas fighters accompanied by Mossad agents and
#AlQaeda jihadists attacked the Palestinian #Yarmouk camp at the start of the war against #Syria [1]. But today, once again, Hamas is fighting its erstwhile ally, #Israel.

As President Mahmoud
#Abbas’s health weakens, Fatah is divided into three military factions:
- that of Fathi Abou al-Ardate, the national security chief
- Mohammad Abdel Hamid Issa (alias "Lino"), commander of the Kifah al-Moussallah (armed struggle). It follows in the footsteps of Mohamed Dallan, the former head of Palestinian intelligence who assassinated Yasser
#Arafat. Today, it is supported by the United Arab Emirates.
- that of Mounir Maqdah, former military chief of Fatah, who is closer to Hamas,
#Qatar, #Turkey and #Iran.

Last month, clashes pitted these three factions against those of
#Hamas Islamists, as well as Jund el-Cham and al-Chabab al-Moslem, two jihadist groups that fought alongside #NATO and #Israel against the Syrian Arab Republic. Violent fighting took place at the Aïn el-Héloué camp (Sidon, South Lebanon). At the time, I interpreted them in the light of those at Nahr el-Bared (North #Lebanon) in 2007, before realizing that they were linked to the agony of Mahmoud Abbas

Forwarded from Rybar in English
🇮🇱🇵🇸🇺🇸 CNN is reporting the dispatch of a carrier landing group (ADG) or the 26th Expeditionary Force, led by the universal landing ship USS Bataan, to the shores of Israel.

Also with him will be the dock ship USS Carter Hall and the transport dock USS Mesa Verde. In total, about 2 thousand marines will arrive on board the ADC (some sources say about 4 thousand) .

Currently, "Bataan" and "Carter Hall" are located off the coast of Somalia on the way from the Persian Gulf. Mesa Verde is moving from Spain. The entire ADG should arrive on the shores of Israel sometime on October 21-22.

🔻The size of the American group, taking into account the presence of a group of ships led by the aircraft carrier Gerald Ford, as well as the Eisenhower going there, becomes truly significant.

However, the appearance of the Marine Corps at this stage is part of a policy of containment and a show of force, and not a sign of US entry into the war. In the current conditions, they will most likely be used to evacuate people from the conflict zone and apply pressure. At least until the ground operation in Gaza begins (if it begins) .

#Israel #Iran #Lebanon #Palestine #Syria

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Israel’s using widespread GPS tampering to deter Hezbollah’s missiles - POLITICO –

Israel is scrambling GPS signals over most of its northern airspace to protect itself from Hezbollah missile strikes — potentially endangering Israeli civilians and commercial aircraft in the process.

A group of researchers at the University of Texas at Austin who have tracked #GPS signals in the region for years noticed a strange pattern emerging after the #Hamas militant group’s surprise attack on Oct. 7: Planes flying near the #Mediterranean sea briefly disappeared from sight over many parts of #Israel.

#Lebanon #Syria #Palestine #Hezbollah
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Nasrallah was on the screen for less than 5 seconds, and we didn't even see his face or hear him talk, yet the entire Hebrew media sphere is going crazy right now

Sayyed Hassan's silence has been tormenting and confusing them since day one, and it is highly unusual for him not to speak. But there is a time of action, and there is a time of words, and now was the time for action.

txt via :
#Hezbollah #Lebanon #Palestine
🇵🇸 Israel’s Gaza onslaught is the next stage of the Dahiya Doctrine | Mondoweiss – 02/12/2023

The Dahiya Doctrine was coined by current Minister Gadi Eisenkot when he was Chief of Northern Command in 2008. The military doctrine, named after the Dahiya quarter of Beirut that Israel targeted and leveled during the 2006 war, outlines “what will happen” to any enemy that dares attack Israel:

“What happened in the Dahiya quarter of Beirut in 2006 will happen in every village from which Israel is fired on,” Eisenkot declared in Israeli newspaper Yediot Aharonot in March 2008. “We will apply disproportionate force on [the village] and cause great damage and destruction there. From our standpoint, these are not civilian villages, they are military bases.

#Gaza #IOF #DahiyaDoctrine #Beirut #Lebanon
Media is too big
🇵🇸 Children of Shatila (1998) | Mai Masri

In September of 1982, the IOF with the help of Lebanese militia massacred more than 2400 Palestinian and Lebanese refugees in the Sabra and Shatilla refugee camps in West Beirut.

More than 350,000 Palestinian refugees live in Lebanon, 15,000 of them in the refugee camp of Shatila in Beirut. Through the eyes of two children who live in this camp, Issa and Farah, this documentary explores the determination to keep family and dreams thriving in a landscape that has been sculpted by war, poverty, grief and displacement.

The filmmaker gives Issa and Farah a small video camera to film their lives and learn how they see their own world. Both children start asking their elders how they felt about leaving Palestine

Mai Masri is a palestinian filmmaker who has directed and produced many award winning films that have been broadcasted on more than 100 television stations around the world.

#Palestine #Gaza #Lebanon #Beirut #Massacre #SabraAndShatila #MaiMasri #Documentary
🇵🇸 The Wailing Wall of Palestine: Black September | 2020

This was the time when the Marxist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (#PFLP) came into being and would later on achieve a cult status within the Third World and a terrorist one without for their spectacular plane hijackings across the world. This was also the period when Israeli Prime Minister #GoldaMeir had infamously said, “There is no such thing as a Palestinian people.” So for the Palestinians the challenge was dual: to prove their identity as well as their independence.

Israel’s capture of the #WestBank in the 1967 war meant that Palestinians swelled into tiny #Jordan altering the demographic balance; which in turn meant that the only way King Hussein could remain the head of an artificially-carved country was to rely on #imperialism and Israeli #colonialism this hitherto has been the fate of the two other artificially created Arab states in the region, Kuwait and to a greater extent #Lebanon

#Palestine #BlackSeptember #History
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🇵🇸 (27 Mar 1973) Interview guerilla leader Abu Daoud on Black September Organisation

Mohammad Daoud Oudeh (Arabic: ⁧محمد داود عودة⁩), commonly known by his nom de guerre Abu Daoud or Abu Dawud (Arabic: ⁧أبو داود⁩) (1937 – 3 July 2010) was a Palestinian #militant, teacher and lawyer known as the planner, architect and mastermind of the #MunichOlympics hostage operation. He served in a number of commanding functions in Fatah's armed units in #Lebanon and #Jordan.

#Palestine #Resistance #AbuDaoud #Fatah #BSO #BlackSeptemberOrganisation
#Documentary #Fedayeen #History
🇵🇸 The Red Army PFLP Declaration Of World War (1971) Documentary | Japan - by Koji Wakamatsu, Masao Adachi

This rarely seen piece of media documents the early days of the PFLP movement through newsreel style shots, showing what everyday activities were like for a PFLP guerrilla, so as to make calls for a worldwide Maoist revolution. It features exclusive interviews with #LeilaKhaled, #GhassanKanafani, and #AbuAliMustafa.
Subtitles via YouTube captions.

In 1974 Adachi left Japan and committed himself to the Palestinian Revolution and linked up with the Japan Red Army. His activities thereafter were not revealed until he was arrested and imprisoned in 1997 in #Lebanon. In 2001 Adachi was extradited to Japan, and after two years of imprisonment, he was released and subsequently published Cinema/Revolution [Eiga/Kakumei], an auto-biographical account of his life. ''

#Palestine #History #Resistance #FPLP #Fedayeen #Documentary
🇵🇸 Ghassan Kanafani: Voice of Palestine (1936-1972) - Palestine Chronicle –

Kanafani was one of the most important figures in 20th century literature. He was also a refugee, a revolutionary Marxist and an internationalist. The Israelis claimed the assassination was a response to the Lod Airport attack two months earlier, although Kanafani had played no direct role in this. He was, according to the obituary in the Lebanese Daily Star, ‘a commando who never fired a gun, whose weapon was a ball-point pen, and his arena the newspaper pages.’ Kanafani was at the time of his death the official spokesman of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and the editor of its paper #AlHadaf. The organisation saluted ‘the leader, the writer, the #strategist, and the visionary.

#Palestine #GhassanKanafani #PFLP #Resistance #Culture #Fedayeen #Author #Artist #Writer #Editor #Activist #Journalist #Intellectual #Lebanon #Beirut #Mossad
Media is too big
🇵🇸 Ghassan Kanafani and The Era of Revolutionary Palestinian Media | The Listening Post (Feature) Al Jazeera 2020

Ghassan Kanafani was a Palestinian writer who, through books like Men in the Sun, humanised the Palestinian condition of dispossession and displacement. He was, however, first and foremost a #journalist.

He was also a product of 1960s Beirut - a period when the city was a magnet for young reporters, revolutionaries, migrants and misfits, as well as host to the Palestinian leadership in exile. It was in #Beirut that Kanafani produced #AlHadaf, a forward-thinking Palestinian #magazine, that has been somewhat lost in the mists of time.

The Listening Post's Tariq Nafi reports from Beirut, #Lebanon, on the #legacy of Ghassan Kanafani and the era of Palestinian #revolutionary #media.

#Palestine #GhassanKanafani #Documentary
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🇵🇸 PFLP Ghassan Kanafani, Richard Carleton interview | 1970

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine spokesman Ghassan Kanafani interviewed by Richard Carleton, #Beirut 1970. The conflict was fought between the Palestine Liberation Organisation (#PLO )under the leadership of #YasserArafat, and the Jordanian Armed Forces under the leadership of #KingHussein. At its core the civil war sought to determine if Jordan would be ruled by the Palestine Liberation Organisation or the Hashemite Monarchy. The war resulted in the deaths of thousands of people, the vast majority Palestinian. Armed conflict ended with the expulsion of the PLO leadership and thousands of Palestinian fighters to Lebanon. In 1972, #GhassanKanafani and his niece were killed in a car bomb set by the #Mossad outside his home, he was 36.

#Palestine #PFLP #Fedayeen #Jordan #Lebanon #BlackSeptember #History #Documentary
🇵🇸 Lebanon | Middle East | Road to war | This week | 1969 Documentary featuring Leila Khaled

Rare footage : skirmishs on the Syrian Lebanese border between groups of fedayeen and Lebanese army, the journalist actualy cross's the zone and visits a Fatah outpost.
Folowed by an interview of Leila Khaled in #Beirut and a Lebanese military faction that was supportive of the Palestinian cause.

Additional video : AP footage of PLO military training in October 1969

1969 Context : Cairo Agreement interactive encyclopedia of the palestine question – Palquest | Cairo agreement between the lebanese authorities and the palestinian guerrilla organizations

#Lebanon #Fatah #FPLP #PLO #LeilaKhaled #Fedaiyat #Resistance #CairoAgreement
#Fedayeen #History #Documentary
Footage released on 13/11/1969
🇵🇸 The Cairo Agreement, Explained

In the late ’60s, especially after Israel won the Arab-Israeli (6-Day) War [#TheWarInJune] in 1967, a strong presence of Palestinian guerillas began to grow in #Lebanon, and the frequency of their operations against Israel from within Lebanese territories increased as well.

On the evening of December 28th, 1968, the Israeli military commenced “#OperationGift,” a #commando operation on #Beirut Airport that resulted in the destruction of 13 passenger planes and a total loss of $43.8 million.

The Israeli repeated retaliations partly aimed to provoke a response in the Lebanese against the militant Palestinian presence in their country.

However, at the time, a significant portion of the Lebanese population was in support of that presence, for reasons that include the prevailing sentiment in the region against the Israeli occupation of #Palestine and the sectarian rift that had begun to manifest between #Muslims and #Christians.

#Fedayeen #Fatah #PLO #History #CairoAgreement
🇵🇸 The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine ( DFLP) 1969-present | Palquest

The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (#DFLP) was founded in February 1969 when members within the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (#PFLP) decided to secede from the organization and to form a separate group. Intellectual and political differences had begun to appear within the PFLP just a few weeks after its first general congress was held in August 1968.

Throughout the DFLP's history, its fighters have carried out high-level operations deep inside occupied Palestine launched from “anchor points” that were established in #Jordan, the #GolanHeights , and Southern #Lebanon . They also fought in battles to defend the Palestinian #resistance in #Jordan, during the Lebanese Civil War and the Israeli Invasion of Lebanon in 1982, and in the “War of the Camps ” in Lebanon and to repel the Israeli military attacks on the #Gaza Strip.

#Palestine #History
🇵🇸 Therese Halasa: Crossing the Border from 1948 Palestine to #Lebanon and Joining the #Revolution | Learn Palestine 2016

#Palestine #Resistance #ThereseHalasa #RimaTannous
#SabenaHijacking #History #Testimonies
