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🇵🇸 HaMoked
(@HaMokedRights): "New data: Israel Prison Service is holding 6,809 Palestinians: This includes 2,070 administrative detainees - an unprecedented number; & 105 "unlawful combatants" (details below) It does NOT include some 4,000 Gaza workers - so actually Israel holds about 11,000 Palestinians" | nitter

"You can compare the new data to previous months here: TL;DR There has been a huge increase => 1,500 new detainees, almost all of them from the West Bank

Video : Israeli occupation forces carry out a mass detention campaign in the Al-Fawwar refugee camp, south of the occupied West Bank on the 03/11/2023

#Palestine #Prisoners #HamokedRights #detention
🇵🇸 Israeli forces on Monday morning arrested Ahed Tamimi, a Palestinian activist who was previously arrested by Israel in 2017, according to several reports.

Tamimi has often been referred to as an icon of the Palestinian resistance. She garnered widespread media attention in 2017 when she was arrested following an altercation with Israeli soldiers who refused to leave her home in Nabi Saleh, a village in the occupied West Bank.

Tamimi, who was 16 years old at the time, was sentenced to eight months in an Israeli prison as a minor, making headlines around the world.

According to journalist Dena Takruri, who co-wrote a book with
#Tamimi, the activist’s father Bassem was arrested last week as well.

Sources (Historical context 2015) MEE | AJ+ | MSF | TRT
#Palestine #WestBank #Detention #EthnicCleansing #Genocide #Occupation #Documentary
🇵🇸 Al-Shabaka الشبكة (@AlShabaka): "The Systematic Torture of Palestinians in Israeli Detention Since the establishment of Israel in 1948, it has been torturing Palestinians. Yara Hawari writes that the use of torture in Israeli detention is systematic & legitimized through law (2019) " | nitter

The Systematic Torture of Palestinians in Israeli Detention - Al-Shabaka – 2019
Al-Shabaka: The Palestinian Policy Network

#Palestine #Torture #Detention #WestBank #AlShabaka
🇵🇸 1/2 - Some context and background on Palestinians detained & imprisoned by Israel :

1) A Palestinian "prisoner" does not refer to someone tried & convicted in a normal court of law that follows due process. Palestinians are detained by Israeli soldiers,

No arrest warrant, no right to a phone call, no lawyers present. 2) Palestinians are interrogated without lawyers present & widespread abuses amounting to torture, are documented by human rights orgs. This links to some #testimonies.

3) Palestinian children are also tried in specially designed "juvenile military courts". Between 500 & 700 🇵🇸 kids are tried in these courts each year. Sworn affidavits of nearly 800 child detainees show 86% were not informed of the reason for their arrest

80% were strip-searched, 42% were denied adequate food & water, 31% were denied access to a toilet, 97% were interrogated without a family member present, 55% were shown or made to sign a paper in Hebrew, not Arabic.

4) Israel widely uses "administrative detention" against hundreds of Palestinians. This allows for the indefinite detention of a Palestinian without charge - renewable every 6 months. Since '67, around 60,000 Palestinians were administrative detainees.

Source : Noure Odeh
#Palestine #Apartheid #Judiciary #Detention #Prison #Minors #Children #Addameer #Btselem
🇵🇸 2/2 - Some context and background on Palestinians detained & imprisoned by Israel

5) At least 800,000 🇵🇸shave been imprisoned at one point in their lives since 1967 by Israel, making the issue of prisoners a topic that touches all families. In July @FranceskAlbs said this mass incarceration policy was another expression of apartheid.

6) Israel detains Palestinians from Gaza under an obscure law that strips away meaningful judicial review and due process rights. That says a lot given that Palestinian detainees from the West Bank barely have any rights.

7) More than 10,000 Palestinian women have been imprisoned since 1967. Currently around 80 are imprisoned & detained by Israel.

8) Palestinians can be detained for raising a 🇵🇸, throwing stones, "incitement", or affiliation with any political faction.

9) Since 10/7, Israeli forces have detained around 3,000 Palestinians, including 30 journalists, community leaders, and non-violent resistance leaders & has denied lawyers & ICRC access. HR orgs have documented horrific tales of torture of detainees,of%20torture%20and%20death%20in"

10) Released prisoners say in addition to cutting off water & electricity, detainees report that many have had their limbs, legs, and hands broken, and many others from unrecognizable from the beating. Soldiers are filming the abuse :

Source @Noure Odeh
#Palestine #OPT #Apartheid #Judiciary #Prison #Detention #Minors #Children
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🇵🇸 Marah Bakr, freed Palestinian prisoner reunited with her mother

Marah Bakr, released from Ofer prison on the 22 November, reunites with her family. The release is part of a temporary truce deal, through which at least 39 Palestinian women and children were released.

Bakr had been incarcerated since the age of 17 and spent eight years behind bars in Israeli prisons

Palestinian Prisoner Channel :
Source : Middle East Eye
#Palestine #OPT #Prison #Detention #Prisoners #PrisonerExchange #PrisonerSwap
Forwarded from GJ `°÷°` 🇵🇸🕊
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🇵🇸 39 Palestinian prisoner women and children return home.

Al Jazeera's Nida Ibrahim from the Occupied West Bank.This footage was filmed on the 24/11/2023
#Palestine #OPT
#Prison #Prisoners #Detention
#PrisonerExchange #PrisonerSwap
🇵🇸No Pain like Mine’: The Story of Palestinian Prisoner Israa’ Ja’abis

To understand the context of the Palestinian prisoners’ stories, the Palestine Chronicle provides excerpts from Ramzy Baroud’s volume These Chains Will Be Broken: Palestinian Stories of Struggle and Defiance in Israeli Prisons.

Israa’ Ja’abis was born on July 22, 1984, in Al-Quds (Jerusalem), the fourth of nine sisters and brothers. She was arrested following an electrical system failure in her car which caught fire while she was still trapped inside. It resulted in first, second and third-degree burns on her face and all over her body, including the loss of eight fingers.

#Palestine #OPT #IsraaJaabis
#Prison #Detention #Prisoners
#PrisonerExchange #PrisonerSwap
🇵🇸 The freed prisoner Israa Ja'abis embraces her family members in her home in AlQuds after she was liberated today as part of the prisoner exchange deal.

Liberated prisoner #IsraaJaabis to Al Jazeera:

Praise be to God, we are ashamed to rejoice when all of Palestine is wounded.

There are many injured people inside the occupation's prisons.

Efforts must be made to free all prisoners from the occupation's prisons.

Young Palestinian girls were exposed to many things in the occupation prisons.

We were subjected to abuse and beatings in the occupation's prisons.

Behind these words, there is a lot of oppression
We place our trust in God and then in the resistance to completely liberate the prisons.

Sources : @RNN_Prisoners @QudsNen @MiddleEastEye_TG
#Palestine #Prison #Prisoners #Detention #Oppression #OPT #WestBank #PrisonerSwap
🇵🇸 Liberated prisoner Fadwa Hamada arrives at her home in Sur Baher, AlQuds, after 6 years in the occupation prisons following her release as part of the prisoner exchange deal.

This is #FadwaHammad and her five children Mariam, Sadeen, Ahmad, Muhammad, and Adam.

In one of the prison visits, Mariam picked flowers for her mom. However, an Israeli prisoner confiscated the flowers. Then when Fadwa appeared behind the glass, Mariam tried to hug her but she couldn't, so she broke into tears.

Now, Mariam will hug her mother whenever she wants because Fadwa is free.

Sources : @RNN_Prisoners @QudsNen
#WestBank #Gaza #Palestine
#Prison #Prisoners #Detention #Oppression #PrisonerSwap
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🇵🇸 Freed Palestinian captive Shorouk Dwayyat welcomed by family

Freed Palestinian prisoner #ShoroukDwayyat was welcomed by her family with tears of joy after she was released on the second day of a prisoner swap between Hamas and Israel.

Shorouk was 16 when she was arrested and sentenced to 16 years in an Israeli prison back in 2015.

Shorouq held the longest sentence among the female prisoners, having been sentenced 16 years in prison when she was only 16 years old. She was imprisoned for nine years.

Sources : @PalestineResist Middle East Eye
#Palestine #OPT #WestBank #Prison #Prisoners #Detention #Oppression #PrisonerSwap
🇵🇸 Interrogations, Arrests, and Indictments of Palestinian Citizens of Israel since 7 October - Adalah –

Since 7 October 2023, Palestinian citizens of Israel have faced political persecution and a severe crackdown on their freedom of expression and assembly. The repression of speech is the result of widespread and coordinated efforts between government offices, Israeli institutions, and far-right groups, all targeting Palestinian citizens and those who dare to express dissent against the military’s retaliatory attacks on Gaza.

Adalah's legal team cooperates with the High Follow-up Committee for Arab Citizens of Israel and its Emergency Committee, as well as with lawyers, popular committees and partner NGOs in many towns and villages to monitor and document rights violations and to represent Palestinian citizens of Israel facing these criminal charges.

#Palestine #Apartheid
#Adalah #Report #Repression #Detention #OPT #Judiciary
November 2023
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🇵🇸 'They Assaulted All The Girls' - Jailed For Posting a Palestinian Flag | AJ+

Palestinian teenager Zeina Abdo was jailed for posting a Palestinian flag on social media. 🇵🇸  

She says Israel retaliated against Palestinian detainees after Hamas’ attack on October 7th.

Source : Al Jazeera +
#Palestine #OPT #WestBank #Repression #Detention #FemalePrisoner #Prison #Prisoners #Judiciary #Testimonies
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🇵🇸 Freed Palestinian prisoner: 'I was explicitly threatened with rape'

Lama Khater, a #writer released in the sixth batch of Palestinian prisoners as part of the truce agreement, revealed that Israeli forces threatened to rape her and burn her #children. Describing the harrowing conditions, she stated: "Today, male and female prisoners are enduring what can be considered forced #starvation, in complete #isolation."

Khater describes how an Israeli solider told her that his rage would only be satisfied if he killed 50,000 children in Gaza.

Khater confirmed that at least 10 Palestinian females from the Gaza Strip were transferred to jail two days before the truce. She added that these women were arrested by Israeli forces while fleeing from northern to southern #Gaza. According to Khater, Israel seems to target mothers, forcing them to separate from their children.

Source : Middle East Eye
#Palestine #OPT #Detention #Prison #FemalePrisoner #Prisoner #SexualAssault #Testimonies #LamaKhater
Inside Israel's mass imprisonment of Palestinians – The New Arab

The situation of Palestinians held in Israeli prisons is very dangerous nowadays. This is the worst time prisoners have seen since Israel occupied the Palestinian territories in 1967,” Muhammad Abdul Samad, a spokesperson of the Palestinian Commission for Detainees and Ex-Prisoners’ Affairs, told The New Arab, highlighting how the war on Gaza has dramatically impacted the lives of Palestinian detainees.

"One million Palestinians have passed through Israeli prisons since the occupation of East Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza Strip in 1967

There's hardly a Palestinian house without a family member in jail or a former prisoner. It affects every Palestinian"

#Palestine #Prison #Detention #Prisoners #HR #Torture #Judiciary #Apartheid
🇵🇸 New Guantánamo”: Euro-Med Monitor calls for international probe into Israel’s torture and murder of Gaza detainees

Geneva - An impartial and urgent investigation is needed to probe the Israeli army’s torture and murder of Palestinian civilians detained in different areas of the Gaza Strip, Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor said in a statement issued on Monday.

Testimonies gathered by Euro-Med Monitor teams confirm reports published by Israel’s Haaretz newspaper about Israeli field executions of Gazan detainees. Additional detainees have died after being subjected to extreme torture and mistreatment in the “Sde Teman” Israeli army camp, located between Beersheba and Gaza.

Via @EuroMedHR
#Gaza #GenevaConvention #Civilians #Detainees #Torture #Detention #HR #WarCrimes #IOF
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🇵🇸They tortured us, subjected us to electric shocks. We suffered a lot.”

Some 60 Palestinian men detained by Israeli forces returned to Gaza on Monday, entering the territory through the recently opened Kerem Shalom crossing.

All of the men said they were tortured in an unspecified facility in southern Israel. One of the released detainees said that many of them were employees of the Palestinian Authority.

This confirms previously cited souces published here

Source : Middle East Eye
#Gaza #Civilians #HR #IOF #Detainees #Prisoners #Detention #Torture #PA #Testimonies
🇵🇸 Urinating on Prisoners: Why Humiliation is Functional in Israel’s War on Palestinians | Mint Press

Zionist militias, using advanced Western arms, conquered historic Palestine in 1947-48, they expressed their victory through the deliberate humiliation of Palestinians.

Much of that humiliation targeted women, in particular, knowing how the dishonor of Palestinian females represents, according to Arab culture, a sense of dishonor to the whole community.

This strategy remains in use to this day.When scores of Palestinian women were released following prisoner exchanges between the Palestinian Resistance and Israel, starting on November 24, there was very little room to hide the facts.

Unlike the 75-year-ago Palestinian community, this current generation no longer internalizes Israel’s intentional humiliation of women and men alike, as if an act of collective dishonor.

#Palestine #Prisoners #Apartheid #Detention #Humiliation #HR #OPT #Gaza #WestBank #IOF #WarCrimes
3.2 MB
🇵🇸 Remembering Therese Halasa, Palestinian revolutionary: Rima Tannous’ prison story | Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network

Rima Tannous, Therese’s comrade-in-arms, shared her story of involvement, resistance, torture and oppression inside Israeli prisons in a statement published in 1979 after her release as part of a collection, Palestinian Political Prisoners: Struggle Behind Iron Bars, published by the PLO’s Unified Information Department and the Committee for the Defense of Political Prisoners in Israeli Jails.

Rima’s story includes a detailed description of her and Therese’s reunification behind bars, as well as their interaction with international political prisoners jailed by Israel for their involvement in the Palestinian struggle.

#Palestine #Resistance #Prisoners #Detention #Torture #Testimonies #History #Book
#RimaTannous #ThereseHalasa
