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The Birth of Zionism and its Impact on the Palestinians: From Dispossession to Occupation | 2012

Ilan Pappe - The Russell Tribunal on Palestine - New York.

The Russell Tribunal on Palestine:

#Palestine #Colonisation #Dispossession #Occupation #RussellTribunalOnPalestine #Genocide #EthnicCleansing
Shocking insight into Israel's Apartheid | Roadmap to Apartheid | JourneyManPictures - 18/10/2023

With a comparison between apartheid South Africa and the Israel/Palestine conflict, this doc traces the future of one conflict from the past of another. Weaving the history of apartheid into the complex issues facing Israelis and Palestinians, it highlights the frighteningly similar laws and tools used by Israel and apartheid-era South Africa. It's a dark picture of the present but offers hope based on the peace that South Africa eventually found.

#Palestine #Gaza #WestBank #Colonisation #Occupation #Apartheid #WarCrimes #Genocide #Nakba #SouthAfrica
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Stone Cold Justice: Israel’s torture of Palestinian children | ABC Australia - 2014

A film which was produced by a group of Australian journalists that sparked an international outcry against Israel after it explicitly detailed Tel Aviv's use of torture against Palestinian children.

The film, titled ‘Stone Cold Justice’ documents how Palestinian children, who have been arrested and detained by Israeli forces, are subjected to physical abuse, torture and forced into false confessions and pushed into gathering intelligence on Palestinian activists.

The 45-minute investigative film concerns the Israeli army’s mistreatment of Palestinian children. It provides absolutely devastating evidence that the children’s abuse is not some unfortunate byproduct of the occupation but the cornerstone of Israel’s system of control and its related need to destroy the fabric of Palestinian society.
#Palestine #Torture #Children #Colonisation #Occupation #Apartheid #Documentary
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🇵🇸 Israeli Settlers Took Half Her Home, Now They Want More | 2021

The Palestinian woman who captured the world’s attention when she confronted an Israeli settler tells AJ+ how she’s fighting to save #SheikhJarrah. “We are not going anywhere. We’ll stay in our homes until the last moment.  ”
#Palestine #EastJerusalem #Occupation #Colonisation #dispossession
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🇵🇸 Debunked: 'Gaza is not occupied' | Middle East Monitor

Throughout Israel's latest aggression on Gaza, Israeli ministers have continued to spread the lie that the besieged enclave is not occupied. The purpose of this misinformation is to further dehumanise Palestinians and justify the deadly violence against 2.2 million people, half of them children.

"Look at these people, we gave them freedom and they reward us with violence, hate and terror," that is what Israeli officials say. “Instead of turning Gaza into the Singapore of the Middle East they have turned it into a launchpad for terrorism.”

#Palestine #Colonisation #Occupation #Apartheid #Genocide
🇵🇸 Builder for Secret U.S. Base in Israel Also Built Illegal Settlement – 03/11/2023

THE US military recent $35 million contract to do construction at its secret base in Israel went to a joint venture that includes an American firm and an Israeli one. The Israeli company, Y.D. Ashush Infrastructure, has been involved in many large-scale infrastructure and public works projects — including building an illegal settlement in occupied Palestinian territory.

In a section on its website touting its projects, Ashush mentions construction work in the settlement of Leshem. Originally planned to include nearly 700 homes, Leshem was constructed in the 2010s as a satellite of Alei Zahav, a settlement established in 1982. 

U.S. Quietly Pushes Ahead Secret Military Base in Israel, Near Gaza –27/10/2023

#Palestine #OPT #Israel #US #Base512 #Colonisation
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🇵🇸 From Scratch : Greater Israel | Middle East Monitor -

Greater Israel’ refers to the notion of expanding Israel's territory and sovereignty to encompass what many Israelis describe as their historic Biblical land, including the occupied Palestinian territories.

As Israeli leaders are becoming increasingly and publicly dismissive of the notion of an independent Palestinian state and the rights of Palestinians to their lands and as illegal Jewish-only settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories continue to grow unabated, MEMO's Jehan Alfarra explores whether the pursuit of a Greater Israel is on the Zionist state’s political agenda.

#Zionist #Zionism #GreaterIsrael #Expansion #Colonisation #MiddleEast
#OPT #Palestine
🇵🇸 West Bank olive harvest ‘more dangerous than ever’ under shadow of war | 972mag

At the end of each olive harvest in the occupied West Bank village of Qusra, Ibrahim Wadi leads his family in making Nabulsi soap, a staple of many Palestinian homes that is prepared using a centuries-old technique. He gathers relatives, old and young, and instructs them to bring olive oil from their homes so that they can make it together. While some help, others sing, drink, and eat snacks in what has become a cherished annual tradition.

But this year there will be no soap.

Ibrahim Wadi, 63, and his son Ahmed, 26, were killed on Oct. 12 2023 by Israeli settlers, who Palestinians say are taking advantage of the international community’s focus on the war in Gaza to carry out attacks in the West Bank with impunity.

#Palestine #OPT #WestBank #Settler #SettlerViolence #Colonisation #Agriculture
🇵🇸 Israel and its allies are repurposing the goals and lies of 1948 – in Gaza in 2023 – Jonathan Cook

Israel is openly carrying out ethnic cleansing inside Gaza, driving Palestinians outside their homeland as happened in 1948. And yet, just as during the first “#Nakba”, Israel's lies and deceptions dominate the West’s media and political narrative.

So Israel is taking advantage of this moment to “finish the job”. The final destination is clearly in view, as, in truth, it has been for more than seven decades. The crime is unfolding step by step, the pace quickening. And yet senior politicians and journalists in the West – like their predecessors – continue to be blind to it all.

#Palestine #OPT #Gaza #WestBank #Occupation #Colonisation #Dispossession #Apartheid #EthnicCleansing #Genocide #WarCrimes #NewNakba
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🇵🇸 The Olive Tree Hugger: Settler attacks on Palestinian farmers and their olive trees | Al Jazeera

“I hugged the olive tree… I’d raised the tree like my child.” Mahfodah Shtayyeh

On November 27, 2005, a Palestinian woman was photographed hugging an olive tree after it was attacked by Israeli settlers.The photograph became an iconic image symbolising the daily struggle of many Palestinian farmers in the occupied West Bank.

Over 800,000 olive trees on Palestinian farms have been uprooted by the Israeli authorities and settlers since 1967.

#Palestine #OPT #Colonisation #Dispossession #Apartheid #Agriculture #Olive #OliveCulture #Trees #Settler #SettlerViolences
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🇵🇸 This is the Solution to Settler-Colonialism in Palestine | Ramzy Baroud

Palestinians know exactly what the solution is to settler-colonialism and #apartheid: #RESISTANCE. And they are resisting. So can we please learn to listen to them, instead of offering unsolicited, often underhanded ‘solutions’ designed to fit or accommodate Israel’s agendas. #Gaza #Palestine #Peace #Colonisation #Settler #middleeast #Israel
#PeaceProcess #RamzyBaroud

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Israel deports human rights defender documenting Palestinian home demolitions – Mondoweiss – 27/11/2023

Alison Russell was detained by Israeli forces while documenting home demolitions in Masafer Yatta in the occupied West Bank. She was deported following a perfunctory hearing where Israeli police accused her of "supporting terrorism."

In the case of human rights defender Alison Russell, the far-fetched charges of “supporting terrorism” or “keyboard terrorism” cover up the real reason for her detention and deportation. In court, the state asserted that “she had many times disrupted the activities of the #IOF troops, whenever she came in contact with them”. Indeed, it is highly disturbing for the troops to have outside observers and witnesses present where acts of oppression take place, which often constitute blatant violations of International Law.

#Palestine #OPT #WestBank #Demolitions #Colonisation
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How Israel indoctrinates its people w/Miko Peled | The Chris Hedges Report - Real News Network

To understand the genocidal campaign unfolding before our eyes, we must examine the roots of Israeli society. Israel is a settler colonial state whose existence depends on the elimination of Palestinians. Accordingly, Israel is a deeply militarized society whose citizens are raised in an environment of historical revisionism and indoctrination that whitewashes Israel's crimes while cultivating a deep-seated racism against Palestinians. Miko Peled, former IOF Special Forces and author of The General's Son: Journey of an Israeli in Palestine, joins The Chris Hedges Report for a frank conversation on the distortions of history and reality at the foundations of Israeli identity.

#Israel #Palestine #Apartheid #Zionism #Endoctrination #Propaganda #Settler #Colonisation #Dispossession #Hasbara #Occupation #History #MikoPeled
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🇵🇸 Six days that changed the Middle East: The 1967 Arab-Israeli War | AJ Documentary - 2023

The June 1967 War was a milestone in the Arab-Israeli conflict, with consequences still felt across the region to this day.

It altered the political and military landscape, expanded Israel’s territorial claims and confirmed Israel's military dominance in the region.

This war is known to Arabs as 'The War in June' and in Israel as 'The Six Day War'. It came just two decades after the 1948 '#Nakba,' or catastrophe, when the state of Israel was established and hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were expelled from their homes and land.

‘The War in June’ looks at the roots of the 1967 War and documents the actual details of six days of battle, before considering the profound long-term consequences of this conflict which led to Black September and the expulsion of Palestinian factions from Jordan to Lebanon.

#Palestine #History #TheWarInJune #SixDayWar #Israel #ArabIsraeliWar #Colonisation #War #Documentary
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Golda Meir (1970) - "we asked them to leave" Palestine

Golda Meir points out she was a Palestinian from 1921 to 1948, says "we asked them [the Arabs] to leave", and is upset that they didn't and don't like it. We were here before, "we've come back". Extract from longer interview with the then Israeli PM Golda Meir, full post from Thames TV here:

#Palestine #GoldaMeir #Zionism #Zionist #Colonisation #Occupation #Dispossession #Israel