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🇵🇸 Francesca Albanese: Western media is living in an alternate reality | The Listening Post

In recent weeks, there has been an alarmingly small number of official voices calling for a ceasefire in Gaza.

One exception has been Francesca Albanese - the United Nation’s Special Rapporteur on the Occupied Palestinian territories. She joins us for an interview on #terminology, #context and the blindspots of mainstream media.

Feature contributors: Francesca Albanese - UN Special Rapporteur on the Occupied Palestinian Territories

#Palestine #Gaza #Media #Narative #InternationalLaw #MainstreamMedia #UNSR #OPT #FrancescaAlbanese
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🇵🇸 Meet Najwa, not ‘Khamas’ | Palestine Diary

Najwa is a young sweet girl and a Palestinian freedom fighter from Jenin. Her resilience, spirit of resistance, and her awareness of the Palestinian struggle, are unmatched outside Palestine, but there are many Najaws inside occupied Palestine. And that's why Palestine will be free from the River to the Sea.

Jenin Jenin, directed and co-produced by Palestinian actor and director Mohamed Bakri, includes testimony from Jenin residents after the Israeli army's "Defensive Wall" operation, during which the city and camp were the scenes of fierce fighting. The operation ended with Jenin flattened and scores of Palestinians dead. Palestinians as well as numerous human rights groups accused Israel of committing war crimes in the April 2002 attack on the refugee camp. Jenin Jenin shows the extent to which the prolonged oppression and terror has affected the state of mind of the Palestinian inhabitants of #Jenin.

Full #documentary here: Jenin Jenin

#Palestine #OPT
🇵🇸 Report : Interrogations, Arrests, and Indictments of Palestinian Citizens of Israel since 7 October - Adalah –

Since 7 October 2023, Palestinian citizens of Israel have faced political persecution and a severe crackdown on their freedom of expression and assembly. The repression of speech is the result of widespread and coordinated efforts between government offices, Israeli institutions, and far-right groups, all targeting Palestinian citizens and those who dare to express dissent against the military’s retaliatory attacks on Gaza.

Adalah's legal team cooperates with the High Follow-up Committee for Arab Citizens of Israel and its Emergency Committee, as well as with lawyers, popular committees and partner NGOs in many towns and villages to monitor and document rights violations and to represent Palestinian citizens of Israel facing these criminal charges.

 #Palestine #OPT #Oppression #Repression #Apartheid #Judiciary #Adalah
🇵🇸 Interrogations, Arrests, and Indictments of Palestinian Citizens of Israel since 7 October - Adalah –

Since 7 October 2023, Palestinian citizens of Israel have faced political persecution and a severe crackdown on their freedom of expression and assembly. The repression of speech is the result of widespread and coordinated efforts between government offices, Israeli institutions, and far-right groups, all targeting Palestinian citizens and those who dare to express dissent against the military’s retaliatory attacks on Gaza.

Adalah's legal team cooperates with the High Follow-up Committee for Arab Citizens of Israel and its Emergency Committee, as well as with lawyers, popular committees and partner NGOs in many towns and villages to monitor and document rights violations and to represent Palestinian citizens of Israel facing these criminal charges.

#Palestine #Apartheid
#Adalah #Report #Repression #Detention #OPT #Judiciary
November 2023
Israel deports human rights defender documenting Palestinian home demolitions – Mondoweiss – 27/11/2023

Alison Russell was detained by Israeli forces while documenting home demolitions in Masafer Yatta in the occupied West Bank. She was deported following a perfunctory hearing where Israeli police accused her of "supporting terrorism."

In the case of human rights defender Alison Russell, the far-fetched charges of “supporting terrorism” or “keyboard terrorism” cover up the real reason for her detention and deportation. In court, the state asserted that “she had many times disrupted the activities of the #IOF troops, whenever she came in contact with them”. Indeed, it is highly disturbing for the troops to have outside observers and witnesses present where acts of oppression take place, which often constitute blatant violations of International Law.

#Palestine #OPT #WestBank #Demolitions #Colonisation
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🇵🇸 'They Assaulted All The Girls' - Jailed For Posting a Palestinian Flag | AJ+

Palestinian teenager Zeina Abdo was jailed for posting a Palestinian flag on social media. 🇵🇸  

She says Israel retaliated against Palestinian detainees after Hamas’ attack on October 7th.

Source : Al Jazeera +
#Palestine #OPT #WestBank #Repression #Detention #FemalePrisoner #Prison #Prisoners #Judiciary #Testimonies
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🇵🇸 Freed Palestinian prisoner: 'I was explicitly threatened with rape'

Lama Khater, a #writer released in the sixth batch of Palestinian prisoners as part of the truce agreement, revealed that Israeli forces threatened to rape her and burn her #children. Describing the harrowing conditions, she stated: "Today, male and female prisoners are enduring what can be considered forced #starvation, in complete #isolation."

Khater describes how an Israeli solider told her that his rage would only be satisfied if he killed 50,000 children in Gaza.

Khater confirmed that at least 10 Palestinian females from the Gaza Strip were transferred to jail two days before the truce. She added that these women were arrested by Israeli forces while fleeing from northern to southern #Gaza. According to Khater, Israel seems to target mothers, forcing them to separate from their children.

Source : Middle East Eye
#Palestine #OPT #Detention #Prison #FemalePrisoner #Prisoner #SexualAssault #Testimonies #LamaKhater
🇵🇸 Israel-Palestine: A message from Ray McGovern | Consortium News

HO! HO! SLEEPY JOE, GENOCIDE HAS GOT TO GO! Remember: “Hey! Hey! LBJ, How Many Kids D’You Kill Today?” helped stop genocide in Vietnam? Can we do the same for children in Gaza & the West Bank, where I watched in awe the bravery of youth resisting occupiers

Genocide Has Got to Go – Ray McGovern – Veterans for Peace

#Palestine #OPT #WestBank #Tamimi #Gaza #Genocide #Netanyahu #USA #US #JoeBiden #Biden
🇵🇸 War Diaries: Israel’s Genocide in the Making in Gaza
| EuroMed HR Monitor

Since October 7, Israel has comprehensively and directly targeted civilian infrastructure; used extreme and unprecedented levels of disproportionate force; and showed near-total disregard for civilian lives; sparing almost nothing in its attacks on the Gaza Strip, Euro-Med Monitor concluded in a new report released on Tuesday. The Israeli assault on Gaza can only be described as a genocide in the making.

The report, titled “War Diaries: Israel’s Genocide in the Making in Gaza”, chronicles and highlights some of the most egregious Israeli actions in Gaza on a day-by-day basis, some of which may amount to war crimes and even crimes against humanity.

Via :
#Palestine #OPT #Gaza #Genocide #WarCrimes #HR #InternationalLaw #Israel
🇵🇸 U.S. spies have ‘wide range’ of facilities on UK’s Cyprus base near Gaza—and share material ‘daily’ with Israel | Declassified UK

US spies have widespread access to Britain’s bases on Cyprus and share information ‘daily’ with their Israeli counterparts, leaked top secret documents show.

The British so-called Sovereign Base Areas (#SBA) on Cyprus, which comprise 3% of the island’s landmass, sit just 200 miles from #Gaza. The bases are said to be the largest British #intelligence facilities outside of the #UK, although they have never been officially acknowledged.

“Cyprus hosts a wide range of UK and US intelligence facilities”, notes a top secret document from #GCHQ, Britain’s largest spy agency. The document adds: “#Cyprus collection facilities are acknowledged by #NSA as important assets”.

The main US spy agency working on the British territory in Cyprus is the National Security Agency (NSA).

#Palestine #OPT #Intel #WarCrimes #Complicity #Genocide #5Eyes #Nato
🇵🇸 Removing symbols of resilience: Israel demolishes Palestinian monuments in Jenin.

Israel has destroyed dozens of statues and monuments, which were built to honour Palestinians killed by Israeli forces.
The most famous was the sculpture of a horse in Jenin, in the Occupied West Bank.
Residents say the structure symbolised the endurance of the Palestinian people.

Al Jazeera’s Nida Ibrahim reports from Jenin refugee camp in the occupied West Bank

The Jenin Horse, also known by its Arabic name Al-Hissan (The Horse), was a sculpture built in 2003 by the population of Jenin, in the West Bank, along with German artist Thomas Kilpper, made with scrap metal and pieces of wrecked cars that had been destroyed during an Israeli invasion of the city.Among the components of the horse was a large panel from an ambulance.

#Palestine #Jenin #JeninHorse #Art #Symbol #Resistance #Occupation #WestBank #OPT #Oppression #Cultural
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🇵🇸 Why does Israel keep the bodies of Palestinians?

Dozens of Palestinian bodies have been confiscated by Israel in the occupied West Bank, since the war began on October 7.

Human rights organisations fear that many more are being taken away from Gaza and they may not be returned like several others whose remains have not been returned for years by Israeli authorities.

Al Jazeera’s Hoda Abdel Hamid reports from Nablus in the occupied West Bank.

#Palestine #OPT #WestBank #Burial #Bodies #Apartheid
🇵🇸 Urinating on Prisoners: Why Humiliation is Functional in Israel’s War on Palestinians | Mint Press

Zionist militias, using advanced Western arms, conquered historic Palestine in 1947-48, they expressed their victory through the deliberate humiliation of Palestinians.

Much of that humiliation targeted women, in particular, knowing how the dishonor of Palestinian females represents, according to Arab culture, a sense of dishonor to the whole community.

This strategy remains in use to this day.When scores of Palestinian women were released following prisoner exchanges between the Palestinian Resistance and Israel, starting on November 24, there was very little room to hide the facts.

Unlike the 75-year-ago Palestinian community, this current generation no longer internalizes Israel’s intentional humiliation of women and men alike, as if an act of collective dishonor.

#Palestine #Prisoners #Apartheid #Detention #Humiliation #HR #OPT #Gaza #WestBank #IOF #WarCrimes
🇵🇸 Children's drawings from the previous wars on Gaza and in Occupied Palestinian Territories

#Children #Palestine #OPT #WestBank #Ilustrations #Drawings #Trauma #Occupation #Repression #Colonization #Apartheid #IOF
#Testimonies #Gaza
🇵🇸 Children's drawings from the previous wars on Gaza and in Occupied Palestinian Territories

#Children #Palestine #OPT #WestBank #Ilustrations #Drawings #Trauma #Occupation #Colonization #Apartheid #Testimonies #Repression #Gaza
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🇵🇸 Life in Jerusalem under Israel's military dictatorship | The Greyzone Documentary

Journalist Jeremy Loffredo visits the occupied East Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah, a climate of unprecedented repression has descended since October 7. Loffredo documents settler terror attacks on businesses and speaks to local activists who tell him they fear arrest and beatings from Israeli police if they speak out against the assault on Gaza.

#Palestine #WestBank #SheikJarrah #EastJerusalem #OPT #Repression #Settler #SettlerViolence #SettlerTerror
#Testimonies #Documentary
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🇵🇸 A Boy, A Wall and A Donkey by Hany Abu-Assad | 2008

Origin: Palestine | Fiction | Director: Hany Abu Assad | 4 minutes

Intent on making a film, a group of young boys don't let limited resources
stand in their way. They decide to go where the cameras are... AbuAssad's
(Paradise Now, Rana's Wedding, Ford Transit) short was produced under the
auspices of the United Nations High Commission for Human Rights as part of a collection of works by artists from around the world.

#Palestine #OPT #TheWall #Wall #WallOfSeperation #Occupation #WestBank #ShortFilm #Documentary #Fiction #Film #Camera #Surveillance
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🇵🇸 Hamas, Fatah and the history of Palestine liberation | Azzam Tamimi | The Big Picture S3E02

The history of Palestinian liberation movements is paved with setbacks, betrayals and bitter rivalries.

What began as an attempt to unify the resistance against Israeli occupation has over time been undermined by regional and global political interests, ideological differences and disagreements over the justification, and use, of guerilla tactics.

Today the question of who represents Palestinian interests is hotly contested, with Hamas and Fatah vying for control, and a wave of dissatisfied young factions on the rise in Gaza and the West Bank.

British-Palestinian academic and political activist Dr Azzam Tamimi.

In the light of the ongoing violence in Gaza and Israel, and the devastating toll on civilian life, Dr Tamimi explains how these movements began, and why another Palestinian uprising is inevitable

#Palestine #OPT #Gaza #History #Resistance #PLO #Fatah #PFLP #Hamas #AzzamTamimi
The Palestinian Prisoners Society has said that 200 Palestinian children are currently being held in Israeli detention, with 23 of them from Gaza, who are being held in Megiddo in northern Israel.

The group released a statement to mark Palestinian Children’s Day on 5 April, proclaiming 2023 the “bloodiest year against Palestinian children, with more than 14,000 killed in Gaza in the last six months, in addition to the 117 killed by Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem.”

Via @MiddleEastEye_TG
#Palestine #PPS #Gaza #OPT
🇵🇸 Devastation Into Dollars: Israeli Startups Are Making a Killing in Gaza

Despite calls across college campuses demanding divestment from Israel, one sector of the Israeli economy appears to be booming. Israeli startups raised over $1 billion in funding for the second straight month in May.

A number of these successful startups have participated in Israel’s ongoing war on the besieged Gaza Strip, suggesting genocide is a lucrative marketing tool for #business. Products like suicide #drones, smart guns, and robot dogs have all been deployed on the battlefield since October 2023, with some startups even exploiting the war to their advantage and touting their #technologies’ use in the war as an advertising boost

Israel’s government-owned and private companies alike have long promoted their weapons as “battle-tested,” with the occupation of Gaza and the West Bank serving as Israel’s homegrown weapons-testing laboratory.

Via @MintPress
#Palestine #Gaza #Weapons #ArmsIndustry #StartUp #Genocide #OPT #WestBank